Cannot install Chromium on OpenSuSE 11.3 64-bit

Hi! Looks like the build of package chromium on 64-bit OpenSuSE 11.3 failed (

At the moment, the latest available RPM for Chromium (from 01 Aug: depends on an outdated version of libv8, which is not available on the openSUSE:11.3:Contrib/standard repository (because libv8 itself was updated to a higher version on 09 Aug:

Is this the right place to ask for a rebuild of Chromium, guys?

Not the right place for asking for a rebuild…Yet, a warm welcome here. Was the same for 11.4, just wait for a couple of days for the packages to be in sync again.

Thanks, Knurpht!


Hi, i does chromium for opensuse have webm support?

I have opensuse 11.3 and chromium 15.0 (downloaded from Index of /repositories/openSUSE:/11.3:/Contrib/standard/i586),
when i try to read webm on this site:
Sunflower (WebM)
i get this message:
“You are not seeing the video because your browser does not support the WebM format.”

Does chromium on opensuse have WebM support?
Any tips how to build chromium to support WebM?

> Hi, i does chromium for opensuse have webm support?
> Does chromium on opensuse have WebM support?
> Any tips how to build chromium to support WebM?

your questions have nothing to do with this thread (except
Chromium)…please start your own thread with a subject relative to your
question…something like “Build Chromium with WebM support?”

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