cannot find qmake (netbeans) cmake (kdevelop)

I’m new to linux not just opensuse I
I use gcc compiler and when I tried to run a simple hello world program using net beans it showed me that qmake is missing and when I tried to run it using kdevelop it showed me that cmake is missing
if any 1 knows how to solve this problem please help
and if it’s compiler problem would you please hand me a download link for a good compiler
thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Scarnet wrote:

> hello,
> I’m new to linux not just opensuse I
> I use gcc compiler and when I tried to run a simple hello world program
> using net beans it showed me that qmake is missing and when I tried to
> run it using kdevelop it showed me that cmake is missing
> if any 1 knows how to solve this problem please help
> and if it’s compiler problem would you please hand me a download link
> for a good compiler
> thanks in advance :)__
Install the packages cmake and libqt4-devel with yast or open a terminal and

sudo zypper in cmake libqt4-devel

PC: oS 11.3 64 bit | Intel Core2 Quad Q8300@2.50GHz | KDE 4.6.1 | GeForce
9600 GT | 4GB Ram
Eee PC 1201n: oS 11.4 64 bit | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | KDE 4.6.0 | nVidia
ION | 3GB Ram

it worked
ty for your help

Scarnet wrote:

> it worked
> ty for your help
Just to give you some info for the future (it only works for commands).
If you cannot find the package for a missing command do the following: Open
a terminal and type cnf and the command name, it will the show you which
package to install, for example

cnf qmake
cnf cmake

PC: oS 11.3 64 bit | Intel Core2 Quad Q8300@2.50GHz | KDE 4.6.1 | GeForce
9600 GT | 4GB Ram
Eee PC 1201n: oS 11.4 64 bit | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | KDE 4.6.0 | nVidia
ION | 3GB Ram