It seems I cannot eject the tape from the LTO-2 device using:
# eject /dev/nst0
eject: /dev/nst0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name
Same with options such as: -F, -s, -m, -a (on|off).
This has always worked in openSUSE 12.2 (without any options) however now that I tried on Leap 42.1 it doesn’t. I am running the command as root of course.
# l /dev/tape/by-id/*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 29 11:50 /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-1IBM_HH_LTO_Gen_2_2000ACD7 -> ../../st0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Nov 29 11:50 /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-1IBM_HH_LTO_Gen_2_2000ACD7-nst -> ../../nst0
# l /dev/tape/by-path/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Nov 29 11:50 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 80 Nov 29 11:50 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 29 11:50 pci-0000:04:04.0-scsi-0:0:3:0 -> ../../st0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Nov 29 11:50 pci-0000:04:04.0-scsi-0:0:3:0-nst -> ../../nst0
# eject /dev/st0
eject: /dev/st0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name
# eject /dev/nst0
eject: /dev/nst0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name
# eject /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-1IBM_HH_LTO_Gen_2_2000ACD7
eject: /dev/st0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name
# eject /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-1IBM_HH_LTO_Gen_2_2000ACD7-nst
eject: /dev/nst0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name
# eject /dev/tape/by-path/pci-0000:04:04.0-scsi-0:0:3:0
eject: /dev/st0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name
# eject /dev/tape/by-path/pci-0000:04:04.0-scsi-0:0:3:0-nst
eject: /dev/nst0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name
I mount and umount the tape using Bareos (previously Bacula) bconsole commands for that, i.e. not through bash. However after a umount in bconsole I have always been able to eject /dev/nst0 (or st0 which is the same) in my older system.
> Tried everything. No luck.
> Code: --------------------
> # l /dev/tape/by-id/*
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 29 11:50
> /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-1IBM_HH_LTO_Gen_2_2000ACD7 → …/…/st0
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Nov 29 11:50
> /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-1IBM_HH_LTO_Gen_2_2000ACD7-nst → …/…/nst0 # l
> /dev/tape/by-path/
> total 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Nov 29 11:50 ./
> drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 80 Nov 29 11:50 …/
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 29 11:50 pci-0000:04:04.0-scsi-0:0:3:0
> → …/…/st0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Nov 29 11:50
> pci-0000:04:04.0-scsi-0:0:3:0-nst → …/…/nst0 # eject /dev/st0
> eject: /dev/st0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name #
> eject /dev/nst0 eject: /dev/nst0: not found mountpoint or device with
> the given name # eject /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-1IBM_HH_LTO_Gen_2_2000ACD7
> eject: /dev/st0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name #
> eject /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-1IBM_HH_LTO_Gen_2_2000ACD7-nst eject:
> /dev/nst0: not found mountpoint or device with the given name # eject
> /dev/tape/by-path/pci-0000:04:04.0-scsi-0:0:3:0 eject: /dev/st0: not
> found mountpoint or device with the given name # eject
> /dev/tape/by-path/pci-0000:04:04.0-scsi-0:0:3:0-nst eject: /dev/nst0:
> not found mountpoint or device with the given name
> --------------------
# lsscsi
[0:0:0:0] disk ATA WDC WD1003FBYX-0 1V02 /dev/sda
[1:0:0:0] disk ATA WDC WD5003ABYX-0 1S01 /dev/sdb
[2:0:0:0] disk ATA HDS722516VLSA80 A63A /dev/sdc
[3:0:0:0] cd/dvd HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSC0 LK00 /dev/sr0
[4:0:0:0] disk ATA INTEL SSDSC2BB24 0370 /dev/sdd
[5:0:0:0] disk ATA WDC WD4001FAEX-0 1L01 /dev/sde
[8:0:3:0] tape IBM HH LTO Gen 2 0468 /dev/st0
I have shown that /dev/st0 does not work. Also AFAIK /dev/st0 and /dev/nst0 are the same device with the only difference that nst0 does not rewind the tape after performing a task.
You might contact the manufacturer/reseller and find out if they have seen anything like this before.
The manufacturer is IBM, the reseller is ebay
If I contact IBM and tell them “I have this device. In openSUSE 12.2 the eject command works and in Leap 42.1 it doesn’t” obviously the answer will be “then that is not a problem with the device but with the software” and they will send me back here.
> hendersj;2740775 Wrote:
>> Definitely looks like /dev/st0 should work.
> I have shown that /dev/st0 does not work. Also AFAIK /dev/st0 and
> /dev/nst0 are the same device with the only difference that nst0 does
> not rewind the tape after performing a task.
>> You might contact the manufacturer/reseller and find out if they have
>> seen anything like this before.
> The manufacturer is IBM, the reseller is ebay
> If I contact IBM and tell them “I have this device. In openSUSE 12.2 the
> eject command works and in Leap 42.1 it doesn’t” obviously the answer
> will be “then that is not a problem with the device but with the
> software” and they will send me back here.
> So what am I to do?
I would still be inclined to ask them - you don’t now what their answer
will be, and you might get a support tech who has seen the problem before.
In the meantime, maybe someone else here will have an idea as well. But
asking the vendor/manufacturer as well isn’t a bad approach.
It may well be that it’s not the release of openSUSE, but something in
the kernel version that’s used, and a kernel change is something IBM may
have some awareness of.
I looked at IBM’s site. It seems they give only paid technical support and there is no way to write to them about technical questions. However I have sent to their general inquiry email address, not sure if they will answer.
> I looked at IBM’s site. It seems they give only paid technical support
> and there is no way to write to them about technical questions. However
> I have sent to their general inquiry email address, not sure if they
> will answer.
Fair enough - hopefully someone else will jump in here with some ideas as