Cannot determine type for repository openSUSE-11.1-Updates.

Installed 11.1 alpha 2 x86_64. It comes with 3 repositories enabled by default. Oss, Non-Oss, and updates. Updates appears to be broken:

 # zypper lr
# | Alias                 | Name                  | Enabled | Refresh
1 | openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss | openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss | Yes     | Yes
2 | openSUSE-11.1-Oss     | openSUSE-11.1-Oss     | Yes     | Yes
3 | openSUSE-11.1-Updates | openSUSE-11.1-Updates | Yes     | No
# zypper ref
Repository 'openSUSE-11.1-Non-Oss' is up to date.
Repository 'openSUSE-11.1-Oss' is up to date.
Error building the cache database:
Cannot determine type for repository openSUSE-11.1-Updates.
Skipping repository 'openSUSE-11.1-Updates' because of the above error.
Some of the repositories have not been refreshed because of an error.

What’s wrong and how can I fix it? :confused:

Woops. It’s alpha1 NOT alpha 2. Sorry.

This error is because the updates repo for 11.1 isn’t in use yet.