Cannot boot after update to kernel 6.13

I performed a sudo zypper dup last night and after the recommended reboot the OS no longer starts. I am stuck in this screen:

I am a crafty user but I am not a trained admin. I have no clues as to what to do now.

Thanks in advance for any tips/help.

Edit 1 (additional info): If I try to boot with kernels 6.12.8-2 or 6.12.8-1 the error persists.

@04CC40 Hi, so is /dev/sdb still present in the system?

There is only one hard drive:

@04CC40 So maybe you had a USB device attached, it was mounted and something added to /etc/fstab?

Actually, there wasn’t. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Is there a way to inspect/fix the fstab entries?

Managed to view this via nano:

There was a Ploopy headphones preamp plugged in one of the USB ports and I think that has an RPi Zero that could be read as a drive.

@04CC40 so you need to comment out those two entries or delete…

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Well, that did the trick. It’s booting correctly now. Thanks a lot!

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