Cannot Access SUSE 11sp2 from WIN XP

New Install of SLES 11 sp2

I am an experienced in Netware 3x through 6.5 user forced onto Linux because of Novell dropping Netware I have very little experience with Linux so please accept my apologies ahead of time.

I have tried to ad E-directory with the Novell install and tried configuring SAMBA so I can access the file system from a WIN XP station NO JOY.

I can see the Shares but LOGIN fails. I will gladly give remote access if I can, to any qualified tech that can get this working.

Thanks in advance.

Bring Back Netware

These are the openSUSE forums, not the SLES/SLED forums. You better go to . Same username/password as you used here.

You should probably post this in the OES, or maybe SLES, forum. openSUSE
has nothing to do with SLES 11 SP2 authentication issues.

Good luck.

Thank you… I actually was looking for the appropriate forum and was not sure where it was…

On 2013-07-05 17:16, dpaxton wrote:
> Thank you… I actually was looking for the appropriate forum and was not
> sure where it was…

You are not the first one with that problem :slight_smile:

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)