can zypper update substitute yast update??[SOLVED]

are zypper update and yast2 update same?
when yast pkg manager says all ok zypper update wants to download 100mb data.
what gives??

zypper is a highly configurable CLI package manager. AFAIK, it uses rpm, but offers repository support and dependency resolution. There are numerous commands and options that can be employed for particular package management requirements.

The YaST tools are just GUI front-ends that offer more limited functionality.

Interesting thread on similar subject:

Re: [opensuse] zypper cli and yast frontend

Hopefully, someone else can expand on this for you…

Wanted to share this thread too. In particular, read RedDwarf’s post about the advantage of zypper updates over the yast GUI (and opensuseupdater) especially where vendor and repository priorities are important. Many multimedia packages (from Packman repo) are required in place of the OSS equivalents if proprietary codecs and fully functioning software are needed.

so nothing definite about the issue.
zypper has a dist-upgrade opption while yst cannot do that
i am not sure if packages locked by yast is honoured by zypper.

I doubt it, since they are not even done so in Yast - Software Management, if you do update all in this list unconditionally.
But it would be easy enough to test.

consider these problems

laptop cd booted and installed suse-11.1
toshiba tecra 9000 savage driver xorg-server works fine.
online updated and yast said all ok.
zypper dup wants to download 115 packages.there is no more distro update then why about 120mb data to come in?

my p4 intel 845 mobo desktop cd will not boot for no intel x servers in suse-11.1.
installed suse-11.0 done all updates with yast.
locked the intel xorg-server and its X11 by yast package manager.
trying to zypper dup so i get most of suse-11.1.
then what to expect?
first trial did not work out.
though some of upgrade worked lot of kde4 errors.
so i reinstalled suse-11.0 and trying again. preserving xserver for upgraded distro.
still lot of differences in staus reports of zypper and yast.

dont really understand what is going on.:frowning:

Yes zypper can substitute yast update. I use it all the time commands here
Locks are honored by zypper
zypper ll will show locks

Originally Posted by ramaswamyps](
i am not sure if packages locked by yast is honoured by zypper.