April 22, 2009, 8:39am
I initially posted this in the wireless sub-forum; and it was suggested I post here: what I said was:
Just wondered if you could separate out the stickies; that give such excellent advice;
by perhaps having them in another colour: eg red?
this may be a dreadful computer faux pas (that weblinks can only be in blue …)
but it might help point newcomers to the excellent advice that is offered …)
Thanks for the idea, i’ll take it up with the site Admins & see what they say
it’s doable,but,will be a pain to maintain when there is software updates to the forum.Anything away from the norm in forum setup is a PITA to maintain.
Thanks anyway for the idea, keep them coming & we will consider them
April 22, 2009, 8:23pm
thanks … I thought it might have help reduce the frequency of the first response being … please read the stickies …!!!