I recently installed KDE openSUSE 11.1 on my Sony Vaio VGN-FW170J laptop. The only way that I have been able to get it to boot up is in failsafe mode, or just typing x11failsafe in a boot option. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with my graphics card: Mobile Intel GM45 Express Chipset. I really would like to figure out how to get it working without x11failsafe so that I can get the desktop effects working. As of right now what happens is that my screen goes to this weird gray color and eventually turns black. No cursor or anything unless x11failsafe is on.
If any one can help that would be greatly appreciated.
Download the latest 11.2 kde live cd
burn and boot it see if that fixes your problem
The drivers reside in the Linux kernel and many of the drivers have been updated and/or added since the kernel that is in openSuse 11.1
I have the same problem with an MSI A5000 laptop with a Nvidia 8200M using GNOME. It worked fine for a month, but recently,I can only login in using X11failsafe or using the failsafe option. I have tried running sax2 -p and it only found a VESAframebuffer. sax2 -r -m 0=nv or 0=nvidia failed. sax2 -r -a generated a 800x600 VESA desktop. I was able to go to 1024x768. No longer have the Nvidia logo flashing during logon. Any suggestions?
I solved hopefully my problem by reinstalling NVIDIA CUDA driver. Now logon is as fast as previous and I have the CUDA Toolkit and OpenCL SDK.
This happen with a kernel update. You need to reinstall the NVIDIA driver. If you install via the NVIDIA one click or from the NVIDIA repository and that repository is active when a kernel is updated the NVIDIA driver will auto link and you will not have to manually reinstall. I keep the NVIDIA repo inactive unless I see that a kernel update is coming then I turn it on turning it off after the update. As a rule it is best to only have the base repos active normally.
It is back again? Can only boot using x11failsafe. No kernel updates. NVIDIA driver logo still visible during booting. Any suggestions? >:(
ok which desktop? Are you getting to a login screen? If you get the NVIDIA boot screen you have the driver installed. If you boot to level 3 (just press 3 at the boot screen then boot as normal) log in as root and then type init 5 what errors do you get?
Remove/rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf
You reinstalled the driver OK, but the X-server is still trying to use the xorg.conf you created. Rename/remove it like this:
su -c ‘mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.obsolete’
Enter rootpassword
Reboot your system, and AFAICS you should be OK.
I renamed xorg.conf and rebooted. This only happens about 1/4 of the time so I won’t know whether this is a fix until later. the first clue of a problem is that I don’t get the little circle with the rotating clock “hands”. The mouse pointer stays as an arrow. the second clue is that wifi connection notice pops up in the upper left hand corner not the lower right. The hard disk led with blink slowly. To fix it, I have to unpower and remove the battery.
I am running Opensuse 11.2 desktop on an MSI A5000 laptop in dual boot with Win 7. Win 7 and Opensuse failsafe work fine. I have the updated GNOME desktop.