To restart x server you should log out of your DE and open a virtual terminal (ctrl+alt+F1). Login as root (or use sudo) then:
systemctl restart *display-manager*
Note: “display-manager” should call the correct display manager service, here it is sddm.
Then logout and go back to the graphic terminal using ctrl+alt+F7. It might be easier to just restart the box.
For the updating, a regular zypper up should be ok. In Leap the kernel usually isn’t changed except for security patches. These patches are pulled with zypper up automatically. The nvidia modules usually remain compatible. Or do you want to change from -preempt to -default? (I’m using YaST for more complex tasks, I have to admit.)
But after all I’m not sure if /etc/x11/xorg.conf is required or helpful at all. I don’t have any. You will see if it worked after restarting X. You may use/post:
inxi -G
to see if it helped. If it didn’t help, there is another thing to know:
Your system has got an intel and an nvidia gpu. This is called optimus. There is a tool called suse-prime (nice pun, isn’t it?)
BTW, sudo isn’t usually required in the (open)SUSE world. You can become root with
su -
As root:
zypper in suse-prime
prime-select -h
to see the options. You can check with --get-current and then of course:
1_ After wait until get cool, I use Ctrl+alt+f1, user log, root log.
2- first I try “prime-select unset”, but it did not work. So I back again and use " prime-select Intel", restart and it work(cinnamon back) and same for screen boundary limit for mouse pointer.
i try reboot two or three time but nothing change. so i go away until get cool and think, then go back and use ctr+alt+f1 to run prime-select intel" and reboot to find cinnamon work again.
there’s intel and itel1, is it my choice (intel) true
intel: use the Intel card with the "modesetting" driver
PRIME Render Offload possible with >= 435.xx NVIDIA driver with prime-select service DISABLED
intel2: use the Intel card with the "intel" Open Source driver (xf86-video-intel)
side question, just for feature what is the type of this NVIDIA card. you know there’s a lot number (108, 620, 630, 635, 640). so when i go to this page Official Drivers | NVIDIA , i did not know what i should choose.
i know it away from using NVIDIA card it self, but if it OK hope tell me how you know that “so no offload possible” (how you know NVIDIA card did not work now, after install correct drivers)? also when i search about 'NVIDIA offload) find it some setting to change between NVIDIA card and Intel card depend on required load"
i start take fast look on two web pages (bbswitch, suse-prime), in suse-prime webpage find “Make sure you have no /etc/X11/xorg.conf”. when check my machine find this file and it continue setting. i think to give suse-prime another chance by deleting the file and try again.
as English not my first language it will take some time until understand(and little bit afraidlol!) , especially they direct me to another page continue more instruction for “Optimus laptop” (depend on what our friend **kasi042 **say, i own Optimus laptop).
sudo zypper in bumblebee bbswitch (Installing bumblebee)
sudo usermod -aG bumblebee mk (Add user to the bumblebee group)
sudo usermod -aG video mk (Add user to the video group)
sudo systemctl enable bumblebeed (enable bumblebee)
sudo systemctl start bumblebeed (start bumblebee)
echo "blacklist nouveau" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/99-local.conf (Blacklist nouveau)
sudo mkinitrd
2- after that they say “If you plan to use 32bit apps (like steam), install required libraries”. as i do not plan so i do not install it.
3- after that they say "optional: install NVIDIA driver (If you want to use the advanced features of the secondary Nvidia graphics card, you can install the proprietary NVIDIA driver as follows). but as i already install them before i stop and go back to run lspci and xrender command and the result as next:
4- if i understod correct our disscion, so depend on lspci and xrander results nividia did not in use. even it look like when use nividia dfault kernal with os preempt kernal. so i go back to follow the “optional: install NVIDIA driver”.
5- first step in “optional: install NVIDIA driver” they say “Make sure all lines in /etc/*.conf”, but this directory only one file his name is “graphviz.conf”. even when i search for all system i did not find file named nvidia-gfxG*.conf (i search for gfxG4, 5 and also with *).
6- did i need to create it or just go to next step. also as the title is “optional: install NVIDIA driver”, so did i need unistall the current nvidia drivers?
you know it’s first time deal with graphic card, it’s very hard to set it with linux:'(.
@naive2021, Thank you very much for the compliments. I’m doing my best. But I have to point out that Malcolm is much more experienced and sophisticated than I am. I’m just an interested user trying to help. However, your question and the result of this:
And on an NVidia Forum page which I can’t find anymore the support said in one thread “fermi is not supported (anymore?)”. So, I’m not sure what this exactly means:
GF108M [GeForce GT 620M/630M/635M/640M LE]
It seems to be misleading. If 108M is the GPU I’m afraid you might not have a driver from the repository available.
This is where I’m at my wits’ end and Malcolm may have more profound knowledge.
Funfact: I wanted to show my optimus config but I seem to have lost my intel due to the last line of my dmesg “broken atomic…”:
So I’m left with my nvidia card which is fine by me now. However, can you post your “inxi -G”? Just to see if it is referring to GF108M only, or to GT6xx as well?
all thanks for you both, really thanks. as this first time deal with graphic card + system administration, it’s impossible to do any thing without support of you and our friend @Malcolm.
out pout of inxi -G (show same result, if i understand correct)
i keep thinking if installing opensuse generic version, then cinnamon one click can be connected with this problem. also is there’s chance if i install opensuse gnome the problem solve.
i do not know a lot about “broken atomic…”, but i hope you can find a solution and solve it easily (English my second language so did not catch all words, but still can get the over all meaning).
in my case the Funfact the laptop was come with preinstalled win os and work good, but i decide test linux on it. and the problem i follow in love with opensuse + debian OS and the most amazing environment from my side “cinnamon”.
many thanks friend. i will try with live cd (preset environment) and see what will happen. i normally run the machine without graphic card (do not need graphic card) but during assemble the machine find it so added it and try use it.
i reinstall opensuse but this time with gnome environment, then install cinnamon using terminal “sudo zypper in cinnamon”. after that run xrandr, lspci, uname -a. and gives me new results. if i understood correct that’s the normal results.
uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 5.3.18-57-default #1 SMP Wed Apr 28 10:54:41 UTC 2021 (ba3c2e9) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
1- so with this new resualts is there’s chance to set it?
2- did the fourm rules require make new thired, or it’s ok to stay here?
3- this time i do not come near to nvidia, to be sure no interference happen betwwen what i do and your instration.
also the other problem (open as root) work correct now
simple note: i did not do any thing for NVIDIA. by other words i did not add NVIDIA repository or install NVIDIA drivers. so should i run your command directly or should i install x11-video-nvidiaG04 and nvidia-glG04 first (before run your command)?