Can not install new update


I got information in my software updater that I have one new update to install. But it can not be installed. Neither using

sudo zypper update

nor using icon in taskbar. Message is

Update Error
Patch: OpenSUSE-2020-2262-1.noarch conflicts withvirtualbox-kmp-default.x86_64

Is it enough to delete that kmp…, od there iss way not to delete it?

What actually I could do. Better said - have to do.

Tnank you for answering my questions.

Vladimir from Cacak

Post complete incl commandline as root:

zypper up

The problem is related to Virtualbox updating from 6.1.14 to 6.1.16 and causing conflicts with the respective kmp’s.
What I did:
1- update the kernel (if not already done)
2- update virtualbox (and dependencies).

After that all other updates are smooth.

Here is copy

dhcppc2:/home/zlatic # zypper up
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

The following 10 package updates will NOT be installed:
  libgstphotography-1_0-0 libvlc5 libvlccore9 virtualbox-kmp-default vlc
  vlc-codec-gstreamer vlc-lang vlc-noX vlc-qt vlc-vdpau

Nothing to do.

I ve got some questions more:

1- make sure that the latest kernel-default is installed;
2- uninstall kernel-preempt (if installed);
3- uninstall virtualbox-kmp-preempt (that package is causing the problem);
4- update virualbox, virtualbox-kmp-default, virtualbox-qt to the 6.1.16 version.

After all that you should be good to go.

It is alright now. I have got no update offer anymore. Thank you.