Can not found perl-Log-Agent for OpenSuSE12.3 .
Where i can found it ??
Can not found perl-Log-Agent for OpenSuSE12.3 .
Where i can found it ??
It doesn’t build at the moment (not only for 12.3 but also other openSUSE versions).
See Show devel:languages:perl / perl-Log-Agent - openSUSE Build Service
You should report that (just click on “Report a bug” in that link, username/password for bugzilla is the same as here).
The only way to get it at the moment is via CPAN I suppose. But I have never used this so can’t really help with that.
Thank you. Send bug done.
skoltogyan wrote:
> Can not found perl-Log-Agent for OpenSuSE12.3 .
> Where i can found it ??
> Serg
If you look on CPAN, you will see that it was last updated in 2005. And
that an open bug is:
80535 many tests fail new Critical 4 weeks ago 0.307
and that was reported against opensuse
(1) I guess you shouldn’t need to open a new bug but rather find the
existing bug and add a me too.
(2) It seems likely that Log::Agent is a poor choice of logging module
(unmaintained) and you would do better to choose a different one.
Log::Log4perl perhaps?
Applycation use Log::Agent
About Application:
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Perl MLDBM modules
From the website: store multi-level hash structure in single level tied hash
To download and install, run in a terminal:
cpan MLDBM
cpan MLDBM::Sync
cpan Log::Agent