On 02/24/2012 08:16 PM, Budgie2 wrote:
> I am running openSUSE 12.1 with KDE desktop on a dual processor 8 core
> machine with 8 Gig of memory and 1000Mb NIC but even so the machine
> stalls for significant periods when trying to access web using Firefox
> at the same time as transferring files to NAS.
there are several threads around specifically about 12.1 noting random
stalls/freezes and very high cpu usage while copying files…and, there
are some bugs filed on those problem…i tell you that because i’ve
about come to the conclusion that any day now they will push a new
kernel into the update repo and those problems will be history (which is
another [and longer] way of saying i can’t help you fix all that–BUT,
it would be nice to know if you, at the first green screen during boot
you press F5 and then select “system V” like you see here
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10573557/12.1_Misc/12.1_F5_sysV.jpg and then
finish the boot: does that solve any of the problems? some of them?
> I may have some settings needing a tweak and if so would be grateful
> for advice, as I get better performance every time from OS/2.
yep…i hated to let go of that Warp…it was absolutely wonderful and
multi-threading…well, as long as you stuck to the Warp apps made by
hackers that understood how to mult-thread…
no, seems to me most Linux apps are written by folks with a one track
mind and . . .
> I am
> really annoyed by the ridiculous Notifications pop-up which appears as
> soon as I do anything.
agree! pain!!
> I usually know what I am doing and if I have
> forgotten it would be OK to click the “i” button but I do not need these
> pop-ups which must carry an overhead I clearly cannot afford in my face.
actually, i do not believe that is your problem…because my little
puny atom with one cpu and one gig of RAM has none of the halting,
sputtering stalls you describe, so the linux system is capable of
delivering popups without shutting down everything else…easily…
note: i’m running 32 bit 11.4 on a 64 bit atom–because it is smooth and
12.1 is not ripe…
> How can I disable them please?
so, in KDE open Personal Settings > Configure Desktop > Common
Appearance and Behavior > Application and System Notifications…there
is a help button down on the left but i got though it by wandering
around…like: go Manage Notifications (on left) > Applications (tab) >
Event Source (spin) and select the thing you wanna choke back!! like, go
to (notice it scrolls!) “KDE Workspace”…if you see a blue circle with
an ‘i’ (hey, i’m on 11.4 and kde 4.6, so maybe yours has been “improved”
with a red box with a ‘p’ [for popup]) then click that and you can go
down and UNcheck that symbol for that line and disable that popup…
if you see a blue flag (or maybe its upgrade to a purple tuba) you can
similarly disable that sound…
continue over and over until you have what you want!
don’t miss the chance to fiddle with ‘Launch Feedback’ and ‘System Bell’
(on the left)
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