Hello all,
I’ve been using Pidgin up until recently but I don’t really like it. I came across Empathy and really like it but I was wondering if there is any way to use Skype through Empathy. If so can I only chat or can I use Empathy for calls\video calls?
Thanks in advance…
Have a look at ubuntuforums:
[ubuntu] Empathy / Skype connection? - Ubuntu Forums](http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1453407)
There’s a plugin for skype, but it needs skype to be installed and running in the background.
Thanks for the answer!
Having Skype running in the background kind of defies the purpose of Empathy to me. Guess I’ll have to wait until Empathy can handle everyhting alone.
I honestly don’t thing that’s going to happen 
Best regards,