I’ve been googling for the past couple of days, but the results are inconclusive. Does anyone on the forum know, or have contact with someone who knows a lot about SUSE PPC?
My system: eMac G4 1.25Ghz. It has a 17" screen (16" viewable) run by a Radeon 9200 with 32MB VRAM. I’m running SUSE 11.0. So far, if I don’t use 1280x960 at 24-bit, this thing is just about unusable.
I’m trying to understand why it’s necessary to have the “UseFBDev” set to true in the xorg.conf file. A few places I’ve read said it’s no longer required, but always in reference to some other distro. There was also mention of some items for the yaboot.conf, but I can’t even find mine.
At any rate, the use of that parameter, as you might expect, slows things down a bit. I was wondering if there was a work-around, of at least a way to test things without having to risk losing my display completely.
Okay, so we don’t have any Mac experts. That explains why the xorg.conf from SaX looks like guesswork.
To answer my own query, I figured if X could read what the card was well before it applied the “UseFBDev” option, it must not be required. So I switched it from “true” to “false”.
Realizing glxgears are merely an ad hoc relative indicator, I went from ~650FPS to about 1100FPS. However, there were artifacts all over the screen. Just guessing, I switched “SWCursor” from true to false. That dropped my glxgears score down to about 800FPS, but no artifacts.
I can live with that. The result is the following for the graphics card section:
You did a great job sussing that out. That xorg.conf info you just supplied is like gold for those ati cards that can handle it. Many earlier ones can’t.