Calibre 7.16 needs glibc at least 2,35

Running Leap 15.5, KDE. I tried to update Calibre to 7.16, but I get:

howard@X390-oS154:~> sudo -v && wget -nv -O- | sudo sh /dev/stdin
[sudo] password for root: 
Using python executable: /usr/bin/python3
2024-08-06 18:45:59 URL: [34312/34312] -> "-" [1]
Your system has GNU libc version 2.31. The calibre binaries require at least version: 2.35 (released on 2022-02-03). Update your system.

How can I get a sufficiently new version?

@crmrhm Hi, upgrade to Leap 15.6…

zypper if glibc

Information for package glibc:
Repository     : Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15
Name           : glibc
Version        : 2.38-150600.14.5.1

Thanks, that’s quite straight forward. I’ll get on with it.

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