Cairo-Dock anyone?

…am I the last cairo-dock user left?

Are there other people around using cairo-dock?

In my mind this has always been the most sophisticated dock ever, I´ve never found any other dock that could compete, neither visually, nor functionally.

I just wonder, why does openSUSE not provide the plugins rpm? Without plugins this dock is not usable.
How do you install cairo-dock? From sources?

It is available at least from [noparse]X11:Utilities[/noparse] project and last update was less than a month ago.

That´s true, but like I said, without the plugins it´s useless.
I just tried to build the plugins from sources on Leap 15.2, unfortunately it fails to build…
yield65 was the last user who provided them in his repo, it seems he gave it up and wiped his repo…

Do not you think this is the reason openSUSE does not provide this RPM?

I´m not sure.
yield65 was able to build cairo-dock-plugins why can´t the openSUSE maintainer do that as well?
Unfortunately yield65 is not active any longer and I haven´t the knowledge to fix it on my own…

I tried compiling cairo-dock on Tumbleweed:

git clone
cd cairo-dock-core/
mkdir build
cd build/ 

That last command did give me two errors of missing “packages” so I did:

sudo zypper in librsvg-devel
sudo zypper in glu-devel
make -j4
[100%] Built target cairo-dock

So I can build cairo-dock on Tumbleweed.

What is the problem you running in?

The problem is not the core package cairo-dock, but the plugins package. This is the one openSUSE does not offer.

Can you try building the plugins from

(the stable releases seem to be hostet @launchpad)

On Leap 15.2 the build process stops when building the alsa/sound stuff, it would be a surprise if building worked with TW…

As a workaround I disabled all alsa/sound stuff now in CMakeLists.txt, this way building runs through, just without alsa stuff.

What makes you think there is openSUSE maintainer in the first place? Being present in some OBS repository does not make package part of openSUSE.

For package to be included in openSUSE at the very least someone needs to step in as maintainer and actually fix the build. And even then it is rather too late for Leap 15.2.

Okay, problem solved for you?

On Leap 15.2 the build process stops when building the alsa/sound stuff

It can help to post the exact errors/warnings you get, that way we might be able to help you further.

Isn´t repositories/X11:/Utilities/ an official repo, though optional?
If it was a community repo, run by some random user, it would be below repositories/home:/ which it isn´t.

Thanks, problem solved.

It was a GCC issue (or Alsa in conjunction with GCC), changing std=c99 to std=gnu99 in CMakeLists.txt did the trick.

Is there a way to mark a thread/issue as solved, don´t see it currently…

The fact that you say so (which you did) is enough. Congrats to solving it.