burning audio cds from mp3

i messed around with it for about an hour, but being a linux noob, i accomplished nothing and now i turn to you for help…

upon attempting to burn an audio cd from mp3s in k3b, i get the following error message:

Mp3 Audio Decoder plugin not found.
K3b could not load or find the Mp3 decoder plugin. This means that you will not be able to create Audio CDs from Mp3 files. Many Linux distributions do not include Mp3 support for legal reasons.
Solution: To enable Mp3 support, please install the MAD Mp3 decoding library as well as the K3b MAD Mp3 decoder plugin (the latter may already be installed but not functional due to the missing libmad). Some distributions allow installation of Mp3 support via an online update tool (i.e. SuSE’s YOU).

i installed the packman repository in yast. the mp3s work, at least in realplayer, they sorta pause themselves mysteriously though. i searched for k3b, mad, and everything in yast to try to find whatever was missing, but to no avail, it appeared all the usual suspects were already installed.

Or you can go to Yast/Install Software and do a search for ‘k3b-codecs’ (the package you need) , then install just that.

i followed the instructions on that link you posted. when i download the codec package from that website, it says its going to install some repositories that i already have, like packman and oss. anyway, it goes along downloading and installing just fine, until it runs into a conflict with ffmpeg or something. it doesnt allow me to skip this and proceed, but instead i am forced to hit ‘cancel’ and then ‘finish’.

ffmpeg- requires libavcodec.so.52, but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: libavcodec52-[http://ftp.skynet.be/pub/packman/suse/11.0/]
] Ignore some dependencies of ffmpeg
] Following actions will be done:
do not install ffmpeg-
do not install k3b-codecs-1.0.5-0.pm.6.i586
do not install libxine1-1.1.15-44.pm.0.i686 ] replacement of liboil-0.3.14-18.1.i586 with liboil-0_3-0-0.3.15-0.pm.2.i586

i get a very similar situation when attemping to install k3b-codecs from yast.

YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2008-11-01 19:49:13

k3b-codecs-1.0.5-0.pm.6.i586 requires libavcodec.so.52, but this requirement cannot be provided
uninstallable providers: libavcodec52-[http://ftp.skynet.be/pub/packman/suse/11.0/]
] do not install k3b-codecs-1.0.5-0.pm.6.i586
] Ignore some dependencies of k3b-codecs
] replacement of liboil-0.3.14-18.1.i586 with liboil-0_3-0-0.3.15-0.pm.2.i586

If you have the VLC repo, make sure you have libdvdcss from it and then disable it.

Go to Yast - Software Management
filter by repo
go to Packaman

some it that repo may show as red colour
If you have high speed internet I would just click the packages tab at the top and in the drop box check update all in this list unconditionally
also make sure you have k3b and k3bcodes checked

now try