I had my laptop run opensuse Leap 15 and upgraded to 15.1 with the bumblebee driver. It used to work, however, after a system upgrade it does not work. I followed the instructions on https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_Bumblebee to install the drivers and when I execute the command: “optriun – status”, I get the following response:
Bumblebee status: Ready (3.2.1). X inactive. Discrete video card is off.
When i Try to use the command “optirun” or “primusrun”, the command does not execute the intended program and gnome freezes to the point that the system needs to be rebooted.
hank you for your quick response. When I executed the ‘loginctl’, I get the following response.
jsberrios@avenger:~> loginctl show-session 1 |grep Type
QUOTE=OrsoBruno;2925182]Gnome on Leap 15.1 uses Wayland by default, unless you tweaked your config, and Bumblebee only works with X11, not Wayland.
Please check:
note the session number used by your current user, then check:
loginctl show-session 1 |grep Type
(or a different session number if your current user doesn’t use session #1).
If you see something like:
bruno@LT_B:~> loginctl show-session 1 |grep Type
you should uncomment the line:
in file /etc/gdm/custom.conf
save and reboot.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, maybe I missed something:
did bumblebee actually work on 15.1 until a couple of days ago…
or did it work on 15.0 but never worked in 15.1?
Since on January 21 Leap 15.1 got an update for the Mesa graphics library and related packages, maybe something went the wrong way or damaged your bumblebee openGL setup with the last update…
Then I guess that the Mesa update overwrote your X11 configuration and all links to the nvidia libraries may be dead or missing now.
Please check a few links that you should have created according to the “Additional steps for Leap 15.0” section in SDB:NVIDIA Bumblebee - openSUSE Wiki
If any is missing or dead, maybe a reinstall of bumblebee is the way to go, or maybe recreating all the links might solve your problem…
Thank you for your reply. I reinstalled bumblebee and recreated the links. However, the bumblebee driver does not load at all. I get the following response from the system:
jsberrios@avenger:~> optirun --status
391.963936] [ERROR]The Bumblebee daemon has not been started yet or the socket path /var/run/bumblebee.socket was incorrect.
391.963983] [ERROR]Could not connect to bumblebee daemon - is it running?
jsberrios@avenger:~> primusrun glxgears
primus: fatal: failed to connect to Bumblebee daemon: No such file or directory
jsberrios@avenger:~> systemctl status bumblebeed
● bumblebeed.service - Bumblebee C Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bumblebeed.service; enabled; vendor >
Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2020-01-23 0>
Process: 5060 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/bumblebeed (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 5060 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
lines 1-5/5 (END)
(please paste the output between CODE tags, use the # button above the editing line).
Another possibility is restoring the previous version of all the Mesa packages updated on Jan 21, lock those old versions in YaST-Software and possibly reinstalling bumblebee again (but it involves quite some work…)
Installing bumblebee is a bit complex in Leap and it is easy to forget a step or mistype something; even more difficult to troubleshoot without access to the system
I made a fresh test install of Leap 15.1, updated as of today, then installed bumblebee and the Nvidia driver as per https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_Bumblebee and all is OK apparently.
Please note:
there is no /etc/ld.so.conf.d/nvidia-gfxG*.conf to check or edit
I added the 15.1 bumblebee repo of course (please check if you have still the 15.0 repo configured)
I did NO “Additional steps for Leap 15.0” (I did create NO additional links, maybe something changed from 15.0 to 15.1).
So the SDB article is not fully up to date for Leap 15.1 apparently, but there is no fundamental flaw in the packages available or the basic installation procedure.
Maybe the upgrade + last update procedure changed something in your system (or you did unintentionally whille trying to troubleshoot).
BTW, now I have a test install to reproduce what you are seeing…
Open YaST-Software, search packages with “Mesa”
In the “Versions” tab select the previous version for all installed packages (should be 18.3.2-lp151.23.6.1), then “Accept”;
after the downgrade, select the same packages and hit “*” (or right-click and select "Protected-Do not modify), then “Accept”.
From what you see, there is the possibility that the Nvidia driver doesn’t engage for whatever reason.
Bumblebee doesn’t work with the nouveau driver in Leap and optirun giving errors would be the result.
You might check if the nvidia kernel module and/or X11 drivers are actually in their place before downgrading Mesa.
As said, a clean install works as expected.
I tried to downgrade the Mesa packages on my test system, bumblebee and optirun continued working as expected.
Then I upgraded again to the current Mesa and bumblebee and optirun were unaffected.
So I guess that something else happened to your system. Maybe if you can recall exactly when bumblebee stopped working you can look in the YaST software history (Extras > Show History) for an update just before that and maybe there is something graphics or kernel related…
I downgraded the mesa drivers and that fixed my problem. Now the HDMI port does not work when I run the command “intel-virtual-output -f”, but that is a separate issue.