I apologize if this isn’t very helpful but I ran across this issue yesterday and found that using a distrobox specifically for packaging is easier to fix when unexpected errors happen. If you are packaging for tumbleweed the wiki has a tutorial.
As can be seen in OBS status, atm most of armv7l packages (nearly 3000) are in the waiting queue. This is due to some heavy builds. The average building time is over 8 hours. So all workers are seeing a high load…
As you didn’t tell where you see this issue, i assumed that you are refering to the armv7l builds in your projects, because these are the only ones in a waiting state.
If the OBS workers are busy you can’t do anything except waiting and checking the OBS status page. Or building locally…
As can be seen in OBS status, atm most of armv7l packages (nearly 3000) are in the waiting queue. This is due to some heavy builds. The average building time is over 8 hours.
Correct, with a note that I’ve been observing it there for a several weeks maybe (and a couple times triggering to test out if it’s still present), it’s not about 8 hours or a day.
If the OBS workers are busy you can’t do anything except waiting and checking the OBS status page. Or building locally…
It’s not critical at all (just a couple obs-service-* packages for xUbuntu), just asked for if there’s something can be done from user side.
OBS building does work good and fast in the absolute majority of cases.
You could try to fork your desired packages and use osc to perform local builds. The tool will handle most steps for you. You might want to experiment first, since the OBS documentation is nastier than the back side of a fridge.
Thank you, it’s just a couple builds (practically not used) from many NxM matrix of OSes and architectures. I will follow option1 (heavy load) to wait for unloading it in a natural way not bothering others.
As your project is not exclusively for the armv7l build target, you can safely ignore these. As you can see at the projects where you branched yours from, the arm packages there are also in the waiting queue.
Simply submit your SR to the projects (if you intend to do so). No reason to wait for the armv7l build target to start/finish (except you want to use the arm packages)…
All os:arch’es pairs which marked with red (unbuildable) are excluded in the first place. The marked with yellow only bothers that not all things are green, it doesn’t prevent other builds in any way (I can just exclude them from list).
p.s. there’s no obs-service-tar_scm and company for example xUbuntu:armv7l, so that osc-service-* have to be built beforehand to start building of something else for this pair