build kde4: libattica - search source.


I’m trying to build the kde trunk source on openSUSE 11.2 (linux

Part of the process (long) had me upgrade kde from 4.3.5 to 4.4.3 - which is running fine.

/home/kde-devel/kde/sources/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/knewstuff/knewstuff3/core/engine.cpp: In member function ‘void KNS3::Engine::atticaProviderLoaded(const Attica::Provider&)’:
/home/kde-devel/kde/sources/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/knewstuff/knewstuff3/core/engine.cpp:224: error: ‘const class Attica::Provider’ has no member named ‘hasContentService’
make[2]: *** [knewstuff/knewstuff3/CMakeFiles/knewstuff3.dir/core/engine.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [knewstuff/knewstuff3/CMakeFiles/knewstuff3.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

The build date on my installed /usr/lib64/ is 5/7/2010. I assume one or the other is too old (/new).

Where would I find the source for libattica to figure out in what version Attica Provider (colon-colon gets me a smiley in preview so I’ve left it out - how do I turn such translations off) has member hasContentService?

Seem to have fixed it myself (which is nice but I find it kind of startling).

/usr/include/attica/*.h didn’t have hasContentService defined. Found a newer version of the headers here:

(doesn’t seem to have the target of my search in the url, but anyway …). Downloaded the rpm; extracted the files from it; and copied them to /usr/include/attica and compiled - successfully.

So the source and the headers for attica were out of sync. Maybe next time I’ll even figure out why.