Bugs Fixed in openSUSE-12.1 Milestone releases ...

In preparation for the openSUSE-12.1 3rd Open Bugs Day on August 21, 2011 from 0:00 to 23:59 UTC I reviewed the bugs that I have written which are still open.

The announcement about the Open Bug day is here:
The Testing Core Team’s 3rd Open Bugs Day

I may not be able to support that session due to social commitments. So here is my summary:

BUGS likely fixed:

Bug 668146 - openSUSE-11.4 M6 LXDE desktop panel icon “application launcher” does not resize

Bug 675433 - Intel WiFi Link 5300 disconnects after 5 minutes and will not reconnect

Bug 586802 - windows inappropriately snapback when moved in a vnc connection

Progress made (partial fix):

Bug 661646 - LibreOffice (and OOO) Impress plays no sound with pps presentations which include sound

Bug is still present:

Bug 597578 - x11vnc with tight vnc on opensuse11.3 M5 caps controlled by shift does not work properly
https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=597578 -

Bug 593463 - [i855GM] Flickering and rendering Corruption when Desktop Effects are enabled

I annotated the bug reports in bugzilla accordingly. Does anyone else have any status on the above, or bugs that they have raised ?