Bug on alsa driver???

Hi, i have a little issue with the sound driver. It worked fine with opensuse 10.3 but when i upgraded to opensuse 11 it does something weird. Normally, I use headphones to listen music or anything while im using my laptop (is a Gateway M-6801m) I unplug the headphones and the sound goes on the speakers but when I replug the headphones there’s no more sound… Again I unplug the headphones and the sound is again normal, it’s something weird. Anybody has an idea or a solution to this???

Here is the driver information
82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller

If any more information is needed I’ll be posting it as soon as posible.

It’s not something critical but it’s very weird and annoying, the only thing that gets back the sound when I plug the headphones is restarting the sound driver via alsaconf.

Thx to all!!!

Sry, I forgot, the alsa driver version is 1.0.16-24.1

Interesting …

What happens when instead of restarting the sound driver via alsaconf, you start it via typing in an xterm/konsole with root permissions:
rcalsasound restart

… anyway thats not important,… only curiosity

Could you provide more information by posting the output URL(s) created by running the diagnostic scripts in the audio troubleshooting guide:
SDB:AudioTroubleshooting - openSUSE

And also provide the output of:
rpm -qa | grep alsa
rpm -qa | grep pulse
rpm -q libasound2
uname -a
cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound

Armed with that, I may be able to make a recommendation.


When I run rcalsasound restart haves the same effect of alsaconf but faster jejeje.

Well the information from the first script is here:

Sry, I ran the second script but when it finished no url was provided… I’ll run it and if I get the url I’ll post it

The info from rpm -qa | grep alsa:


The info from rpm -qa | grep pulse:


The info from rpm -q libasound2:


The info from uname -a:

Linux linux-iovi #1 SMP 2008-06-07 01:55:22 +0200 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The info from cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound:

alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel
alias sound-slot-0 snd-hda-intel

Thx for ur help!

The second script has to be run with root permissions. It works, as I just tried it.

Thanks! From that I note your audio hardware code is a Sigmatel STAC9205.

Searching on the STAC9205 on the alsa web site, I get this: Search results for STAC9205 - AlsaProject

Note there was an update to the alsa driver for the STAC9205 between alsa 1.0.16RC2 and 1.0.16. openSUSE-11.0 ships with the 1.0.16 RC2 of the alsa driver (and may not have that latest fix).

If I look at the ALSA-Configuration.txt documentation file:

	  ref		Reference board
	  dell-m42	Dell (unknown)
	  dell-m43	Dell Precision
	  dell-m44	Dell Inspiron 

What you could do is try each of those Dell codes in your /etc/modprobe.d/sound file, in the hope that one of them might work. So to start, change your /etc/modprobe.d/sound file to look like this:

options snd-hda-intel enable=1 index=0 model=dell-m42
alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel
alias sound-slot-0 snd-hda-intel

save that, then restart your alsa from a konsole with root permissions with:
rcalsasound restart
then test for your “bug”.

If still there, change the “dell-m42” to “dell-m43” in your /etc/modprobe.d/sound file, save, it then restart your alsa from a konsole with root permissions with:
rcalsasound restart
then test for your “bug”.

Do the same for the “dell-m44”.

If none of those work, then update your alsa per the guidance on this page:
Alsa-update via rppm - openSUSE-11.0
reboot, and try your sound again.

I noticed that the second script has to be run with root permissions but I ran it in that way and it finishes normally but no url was provided, the display is:
paste this url in #alsa: <-----------------Nothing there

I waited some minutes and ran it again, now it provided me this link.
tsalsa.txt - nopaste.com (beta)

Don’t know why it didn’t appear before but now it’s there.

I tested with dell-m42 and there was no change; with dell-m43 no sound at all (both, speakers and headphones) and with dell-m44 same as dell-m42.

I’ll update the alsa via the webpage u provided me. If it works I’ll let u know, thx again!!

I have updated alsa and the problem is still there… All the packages were succesfully installed and the last versions are already installed now. It’s weird, with opensuse 10.3 everything was fine.

Also in 10.3 the system recognized my volume control (is sensible at touch) and also de FN keys to manage the volume. Now in 11 nothing of these works; my problem is very specific but with these issues this last version from openSuSE kinda disappoint me.

I always have bad luck :(, with 10.3 i had problems configuring compiz and this last version runs very smoothly and transparent all the effects but now I have this issue with the sound.

:slight_smile: Thx for all the help, if something else can be done I’ll try it. Anyway thx for all!! I’m very pleased with the quick answers.:cool:

Did you reboot your PC after updating alsa? That is necessary to unload the old drivers, and reload the new drivers.

If the problem is still present, we need to check your configuration again. Please run (again) the two diaganostic scripts, and paste here the output URLs that they provide.

And please (again) provide the output of:
rpm -qa | grep alsa
rpm -qa | grep pulse
rpm -q libasound2
cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound

Not sure about sound on 11 but it must have sound control utility like Kmix in 10.3 (is this phonon?). Have you checked your headphone and speaker settings in the sound control utility? Just a thought.

I thought the same, but its not so easy to see. Here is his mixer settings (before his alsa upgrade) from the diagnostic scripts:

Amixer contents for card 0 [Intel] _____________________________________        
amixer set 'Master',0 80% on        
amixer set 'PCM',0 100% 100%        
amixer set 'Front',0 87%,87% on        
amixer set 'IEC958',0 off        
amixer set 'Capture',0 Capture 0 0% off Capture 0 0% off        
amixer set 'Capture',1 Capture 0 0% off Capture 0 0% off        
amixer set 'Analog Loopback',0 off        
amixer set 'Digital Input Source',0 Items: 'Analog Inputs' 'Digital Mic 1' Item0: 'Analog Inputs'        
amixer set 'Input Source',0 Items: 'Mic' Item0: 'Mic'        
amixer set 'Input Source',1 Items: 'Mic' Item0: 'Mic'        
amixer set 'Mux',0 Capture 0 0% Capture 0 0%        
amixer set 'Mux',1 Capture 0 0% Capture 0 0%  

Its not obvious to me as to which mixer setting could be wrong. I don’t have his device, but the settings look ok to me (unless he is using IEC958 output, in which case that needs to be set ON, but setting it ON when it should not be is known to block some users audio).

Of course… I restarted the system after the installation of the new drivers. Anyway, here is the information again:

First script: general pastebin - locke_as16 - post number 1054239
Second script: tsalsa.txt - nopaste.com (beta)

The info from rpm -qa | grep alsa:


The info from rpm -qa | grep pulse:


The info from rpm -q libasound2:


The info from uname -a:

Linux linux-iovi #1 SMP 2008-06-07 01:55:22 +0200 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The info from cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound:

alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel
alias sound-slot-0 snd-hda-intel

Did you try again the model options after updating your alsa?

	  ref		Reference board
	  dell-m42	Dell (unknown)
	  dell-m43	Dell Precision
	  dell-m44	Dell Inspiron

Don’t forget to restart alsa after each attempt (AND to recheck your mixer each time).

I could not see anything wrong with your mixer settings.

Did you try removing pulse audio?

If you still have the problem after this, I recommend you raise a bug report on openSUSE on this.

No, anything worked. I’ve tried again the model options but the effects were the same after restarting the alsa driver. Also I removed pulse audio but nothing happened, the problem is still there. I’ll raise it as a bug. Thx for all ur help

locke_as16, try writing the model options as a separate line in the /etc/modprobe.d/sound file. The need to be on a separate line could be a pecularity of 11.0.

ie. try something like:

alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel
alias sound-slot-0 snd-hda-intel
options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m42 

restart alsa with rcalsasound restart … etc … for each mode.