For dialog version 1.3-20171209
$ stty size
24 80
$ dialog --fselect $HOME 24 80
results in the error message “Can’t make new window at (-5,0), size (33,78).”
Is this an error in dialog, or am I misunderstanding?
Further data:
The following all work at 24 x 80 screen size
dialog --checklist foo 24 80 3 foo foo on
dialog --editbox $HOME/.bashrc 24 80
dialog --form foo 24 80 10 foo 1 1 foo 1 1 1 1
dialog --gauge foo 24 80 50
The following works at all * x 80 screen sizes
read r c <<< $(stty size); dialog --fselect $HOME $((r-11)) $c
The following fails at all * x 80 screen sizes
read r c <<< $(stty size); dialog --fselect $HOME $((r-10)) $c