Bug Buddy

Hello. How can i stop the bug buddy from appearing everytime i boot up? I have Version 11.1 and Gnome and it started appearing the first time i installed opensuse.

I sent the report in but it keeps appearing everytime i log in.

Also is there a way of not having to put the disk in the drive when i want to install something with Yast. It always asks to put the disk in the drive.


Also is there a way of not having to put the disk in the drive when i want to install something with Yast. It always asks to put the disk in the drive.

Hi. You can edit the priority of your CD/DVD in Yast → Software → Repositories. The higher the number the lower the priority of a repository. My DVD is set to 120 and the online repos to 99. So it only asks for a disk if my network is broken. Of course you can also disable your DVD in the repository settings. Good luck!

thank you very much