Bug 1197970 - firefox fail to start

Bug 1197970](https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1197970) - firefox fail to start
Hi can some help me with this:
sudo firefox
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib64/firefox/libmozgtk.so
/usr/lib64/libpangoft2-1.0.s0.0: Undefined symbol:FcWeighFromOpenTypeDouble
Couldn’t load XPCOM.I also get issue with chrome and opera, get race breakpoint trap (core dumped) did not allow run as root and get crash repport with attactments id 1a014a75-0533-4950-8916-2d49 a3f300da no such file or directy (2)
opera i get crash id= b5115d746-9642-4cd9-8231-d42e82220402 crash id 7d4bec0e-4aa4-4dd0-ac9c-feb432220402

next time use or make opensuse-bug item so its add automatcally tryed links in terminal but its did not works?

I also got issue with microsoft studio code i get when i use code in terminal /usr/share/code/…/bin/: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libpangoft2.1.0.so.0 undefined symbol: FcWeightFromOpenTypeDouble.

So how to fix? What is needed information to fix it?

Who would want to do this?

I have a vague remembrance that FF even blocks this.

  1. as mentioned why sudo.
  2. Your Repo list is a pain.

But how to debug without terminal? its give errormessage but in desktop its only crashed without error message?
I only use Zypper up but nothing warn me that upgrade will broke firefox\opera\chorme and microsoft visual studio code.

I got sound trubles on 15.3 but i think its better om 15.4.

You have enabled Repos for SUSE and openSUSE, for Leap 15.1 up to Leap 15.3…

So its on you…

You can get an Terminal on grub by adding a 3 with a space to the last commands.

Just type


Again, why the sudo. I know that sudo is a fast spreading disease, but this is ridiculous.

And you better withdraw that bug report. People there have better things to do.

I am currently running 15.4 Beta. And I am using “firefox” for this reply. For me, “firefox” has been working well. But then I am not using “sudo” for “firefox” and I don’t have messed up repos.

I repeat comments from above. I have leap 15.4 vm running (technically it calls itself 15.4b now). Firefox (as user) runs fine. started in terminal. sudo firefox in a terminal does not start and says “Error: no DISPLAY environment variable specified”.

For that matter, trying sudo firefox command in leap 15.3 throws the same error.

I am not aware of an reason to run firefox as root. If there is one, would soneone let me know.

hope this helps, tom kosvic

There are only reasons to never do that. Not even as trial.

But its it some Release note for 15.4 beta what works or not? Because i think both this and Tumbleweed is wasted.
Only for virtulbox and vmware not for workstation and laptop.

I like better fedora 36\ubuntu 21.04 less issue if its works to upgrade.

Then please use fedora 36\ubuntu 21.0. You should use what you like.

I have just finished updating Leap 15.4 on both my laptop and my main desktop. Both are working well.

As Henk says, just use whatever works best for you. We are not forcing you to try openSUSE.

I do this for learning or i did not know when my issue get fixed.

xecuting %posttrans scripts ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[done]
warning: Found NDB Packages.db database while attempting bdb backend: using ndb backend.
Problem occurred during or after installation or removal of packages:
Failed to cache rpm database (1).
 - 'rpmdb2solv' '-r' '/' '-D' '/usr/lib/sysimage/rpm' '-X' '-p' '/etc/products.d' '/var/cache/zypp/solv/@System/solv' '-o' '/var/cache/zypp/solv/@System/solv3sznjH'
   warning: Found NDB Packages.db database while attempting bdb backend: using ndb backend.
   rpmdb2solv: inconsistent rpm database, key 11612 not found. run 'rpm --rebuilddb' to fix.

Please see the above error message for a hint.
larsmartin@localhost:~> sudo zypper up
warning: Found NDB Packages.db database while attempting bdb backend: using ndb backend.
warning: Found NDB Packages.db database while attempting bdb backend: using ndb backend.
warning: Found NDB Packages.db database while attempting bdb backend: using ndb backend.
Loading repository data...
Warning: Repository 'Main Update Repository' appears to be outdated. Consider using a different mirror or server.
Reading installed packages...
warning: Found NDB Packages.db database while attempting bdb backend: using ndb backend.

The following 23 package updates will NOT be installed:
  cogl-lang dleyna-server ffmpegthumbs gimp gimp-lang gimp-plugin-aa libcogl20 libdcmtk3_6 libdleyna-core-1_0-5 libgimp-2_0-0 libgimpui-2_0-0 libgupnp-dlna-backend-gstreamer libgupnp-igd-1_0-4 libopenal1 libOpenImageIO2_2 librygel-core-2_6-2 librygel-server-2_6-2
  libSDL2-2_0-0 libSDL2_mixer-2_0-0 libSDL_gfx15 MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE openSUSE-release util-linux
Nothing to do.
larsmartin@localhost:~> rpm --rebuilddb
error: can't create transaction lock on /usr/lib/sysimage/rpm/.rpm.lock (Permission denied)
larsmartin@localhost:~> sudo rpm --rebuilddb
warning: Found NDB Packages.db database while attempting bdb backend: using ndb backend.
larsmartin@localhost:~> sudo zypper up
Loading repository data...
Warning: Repository 'Main Update Repository' appears to be outdated. Consider using a different mirror or server.
Reading installed packages...
Segmentation fault
larsmartin@localhost:~> sudo zypper up
Loading repository data...
Warning: Repository 'Main Update Repository' appears to be outdated. Consider using a different mirror or server.
Reading installed packages...

sda           8:0    0   3.6T  0 disk 
├─sda1        8:1    0    16M  0 part 
└─sda2        8:2    0   3.6T  0 part 
sdb           8:16   0 465.8G  0 disk 
├─sdb1        8:17   0     8M  0 part 
├─sdb2        8:18   0 463.8G  0 part /var
│                                     /usr/local
│                                     /srv
│                                     /root
│                                     /opt
│                                     /home
│                                     /boot/grub2/x86_64-efi
│                                     /boot/grub2/i386-pc
│                                     /.snapshots
│                                     /
└─sdb3        8:19   0     2G  0 part [SWAP]
sdc           8:32   1     0B  0 disk 
sdd           8:48   1     0B  0 disk 
sde           8:64   1     0B  0 disk 
sdf           8:80   1     0B  0 disk 
sr0          11:0    1  1024M  0 rom  
nvme0n1     259:0    0 465.8G  0 disk 
├─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0 499.1M  0 part 
├─nvme0n1p2 259:2    0 464.3G  0 part 
└─nvme0n1p3 259:3    0   491M  0 part 

Isssue about kernel its better now but i get frizing after some minutes with kernel before.