Brownie's Opinion on KDE 4 Desktop

OpenSuse with KDE 4 VIOLATES the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I just spent 3 hours trying to fix a problem in the user interface that was the result of selecting the wrong checkbox in a dialog. AND it’s still screwed up. It appears that re-installation is the only fix. In which case 11.1 with KDE 3.5 will get put in. KDE-4 in every release so far just plain SUCKS!! (I wish I could use stronger verbs here but this is a public forum). Maybe you guys at the DEVEL could just listen to us and give us the option of desktop selection so we could have the benefit of the latest kernel without the punishment of your idea of a good user interface. We the users should have the say in what we want by personal selection. There is no intelligent reason to **** of thousands of loyal users this way. Don’t give me that **** of giving you feedback. This piece of BS is NOT going to provide anything but another input from another pissed off user. If you want DEVEL feedback let us get our work done then switch interface for recreation. You will get more from us the users if you stop pissing us off. I’m so riled up that if my life depended on it i could not give you useful data on the bugs I’ve found.

If you’ve read this far - here’s some positive feedback…

I really do like some of the prominent KDE 4 features, Sincerely I DO.

I really would like to become a part of the DEVEL community - AFTER my day of REQUIRED work (Linux Software Development) is done.
NOT gona happen until I can easily switch between my current production desktop - KDE 3.5 - and the one I’d really like to use SOMEDAY.

There’s NO good technical or other reason why you can’t provide this.

For years we’v had XFCE, KDE 3.5, GNOME, and others just by logout.

Help us out here boys PLEASE.

With due respect and regards.

Summit Computer
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Poor Brownie. I feel so bad for him. rotfl!

He checked the wrong box and borked his install and he blames it on KDE. This is someone that is supposed to know what he is doing.

Brownie, you have to remember that this is a forum of volunteers that help solve user’s issues. We are not developers. You are not asking for any help. You are just ranting. Expect it in return.:wink:

I respectfully disagree, sir. I feel his pain, having experienced the same thing. I freely acknowledge in my case that I checked the wrong thing and caused my own problem. But, same as he experienced, there was no clear and obvious way to UNDO my mistake. When I posted for help here and did the usual Google searches, nothing I tried would restore the original and default appearance and behavior.

Ergo et sum, he has a point and this is something that the KDE developers really, really need to address. The user interface works fine right after install, but if you accidentally switch something off, it’s a pain in the NECK to figure out how to get it back.

Remember how we’ve been talking about newbies and not running them away from Linux? Imagine a newbie who accidentally closes one of his/her plasmoids, and is then completely, utterly at a loss at how to get it back …

All he has to do is ask for help.:wink:

All of KDE’s settings are stored in text files. The GUI is just the front-end. The actually settings are read from these files. To fix your problem you would go into ~/.kde and find the said file containing the option you checked and edit that option out. That would set that option to it’s default safe value. I’ve had to do this with KWin on a system where compositing could not work because some dope removed their video drivers.

This works for ALL options in KDE. You just have to know where to look.

smpoole7 wrote:
> When I posted for help here and did the usual Google searches,
> nothing I tried would restore the original and default appearance
> and behavior.

SORRY! i must have not have seen your post, because if i had i do know
the solution!

in word or two it is simple: restore from backup…works every time.

now, don’t tell me that you know KDE4 sucks AND still you don’t do


No-one seems to have made clear which dialog box item they checked that caused all this emotion. We might be callous heartless and arrogant, but we’re not mind readers.

Yes, and at least others would have be warned NOT to do likewise. Nice attitude NOT to tell your fellow users: “Hey look out, do’nt fall down that hole!”

And I suppose that between searching for the parameter inside ~/.kde4 and a reinstall, just moving ~/.kde4 to another name and restarting the desktop might help also.

But palladium’s suggestion to make backups every now and then maybe the invention of the (just started) year for too many I am afraid :frowning:

O.K., maybe I lost my temper a bit. I might have read something into it that wasn’t there. I saw that the user had not asked for any help at all. The user was just ranting. The user claimed that he wants to be a developer. I smell troll, but I am going to apologize anyway.

I’m sorry.

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