kann es sein, dass der Treiber hier nicht mehr mit Leap 15.0 kompatibel ist: https://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadend.aspx?c=de&lang=de&prod=mfc7360n_all&os=127&dlid=dlf006893_000&flang=4&type3=625&dlang=true (obwohl zuletzt aktualisiert am 13.9.2018)? Ich bin nach der Anleitung vorgegangen und mein Drucker druckt leider keine Testseite!
Cups-Errorlog meldet Folgendes (da ist offenbar von fehlenden Root-Rechten die Rede?):
E [01/Mar/2019:11:57:45 +0100] [CGI] cups-brf must be called as root
E [01/Mar/2019:11:57:45 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 1358 (cups-brf) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:11:57:45 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 1364 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:12:07 +0100] [CGI] cups-brf must be called as root
E [01/Mar/2019:12:12:07 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 5237 (cups-brf) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:12:07 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 5243 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:12:10 +0100] [CGI] cups-brf must be called as root
E [01/Mar/2019:12:12:10 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 5275 (cups-brf) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:12:10 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 5281 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
W [01/Mar/2019:12:12:13 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:12:12:13 +0100] CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:12:20:18 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:12:20:18 +0100] CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
E [01/Mar/2019:12:20:21 +0100] [CGI] cups-brf must be called as root
E [01/Mar/2019:12:20:22 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 1258 (cups-brf) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:20:22 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 1269 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:22:20 +0100] [CGI] cups-brf must be called as root
E [01/Mar/2019:12:22:20 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 3164 (cups-brf) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:22:20 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 3169 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:22:27 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/cupsfilters.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:22:27 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/generic-brf.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:22:27 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/generic-ubrl.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:22:27 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/indexv3.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:22:27 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/indexv4.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:22:27 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/sample.drv\"!
W [01/Mar/2019:12:23:46 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:12:23:46 +0100] CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:12:24:38 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:12:24:38 +0100] CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:12:32:09 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:12:32:09 +0100] CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
E [01/Mar/2019:12:37:59 +0100] [CGI] cups-brf must be called as root
E [01/Mar/2019:12:37:59 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 23713 (cups-brf) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:37:59 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 23720 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:38:04 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/cupsfilters.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:38:04 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/generic-brf.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:38:04 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/generic-ubrl.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:38:04 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/indexv3.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:38:04 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/indexv4.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:38:04 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/sample.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:40:18 +0100] [CGI] cups-brf must be called as root
E [01/Mar/2019:12:40:18 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 6537 (cups-brf) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:40:18 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 6543 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
W [01/Mar/2019:12:40:22 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:12:40:22 +0100] CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
E [01/Mar/2019:12:41:08 +0100] [CGI] cups-brf must be called as root
E [01/Mar/2019:12:41:08 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 5540 (cups-brf) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:41:08 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 5546 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:41:13 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/cupsfilters.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:41:13 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/generic-brf.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:41:13 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/generic-ubrl.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:41:13 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/indexv3.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:41:13 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/indexv4.drv\"!
E [01/Mar/2019:12:41:13 +0100] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file \"/usr/share/cups/drv/sample.drv\"!
W [01/Mar/2019:15:03:20 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:15:03:20 +0100] CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:15:03:20 +0100] CreateProfile failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
W [01/Mar/2019:15:03:20 +0100] CreateDevice failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown:The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service files
E [01/Mar/2019:15:03:25 +0100] [CGI] cups-brf must be called as root
E [01/Mar/2019:15:03:25 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 1346 (cups-brf) stopped with status 1!
E [01/Mar/2019:15:03:26 +0100] [cups-deviced] PID 1362 (gutenprint52+usb) stopped with status 1!
immerhin den Scanner habe ich mit folgender Anleitung noch zum Laufen gebracht:
openSUSE 11.2**
- Öffnen Sie die Datei “/etc/udev/rules.d/55-libsane.rules”
- Fügen Sie die folgenden zwei Zeilen am Ende ein. (Vor der Zeile “# Die folgende Regel…”)
# Brother
ATTR{idVendor}==“04f9”, MODE=“0664”, GROUP=“lp”, ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"
- Starten Sie das Betriebssystem neu.
Besten Dank für die Aufmerksamtkeit,
Felix :sarcastic: