Brightness Control

brightness control keys doesn’t work properly on my machine, Panasonic CF 53 i5 2.7 Ghz Intel 4000

brightness is degreasing or increasing slowly without showing the scale on video, the sound control keys show it properly

any suggestion?

openSUSE 13.1 only (no Win) on SSD with discard e noatime, some hw disabled on bios

Greetings :slight_smile:

Try to add this kernel parameter: acpi_backlight=vendor acpi_osi=Linux
Add it to the end of the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX variable in the /etc/default/grub file.
Then run the* grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg* command …

thanks, I’ve tried it, the bar is coming back but the the brightness is not decreasing or increasing even if the bar is showing it

Try using this:


Restart you laptop and then try Fn-F1,-F2.

I had the same problem with an older version of openSUSE and in Debian.
I solved the problem with adding the following kernel parameter in /etc/default/grub

acpi_osi=\"!Windows 2012\"

Followed by the

* grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg *


Thanks Romanator. It works. :slight_smile:

I’ve tried many combination of the codes found on previous posts in the forum but nothing worked out.

A funny thing, in the old panasonic cf 29 2004 (i915) is working perfectly and in the kernel the variable is empty…

Thanks Thor, but that code is not working in this machine :slight_smile:

That’s great to hear! When you get everything working please add your model to the Hardware database.


Hi Romanator,
many things are off on my machine, some of them it may not easy to test because I’ve not chance to use it right now

and I’m not so geek to understand how to add my model to that page… :question:

Take your time. It’s a learning process.
When I first starting adding entries it appearing a bit overwhelming. All you have to do is click on “Edit” and look at one the previous entries.
Just copy and paste the previous entries below or above as it is in alphabetical and numerical order. Replace the model number with your number.
Use the preview changes to see how it appears. Click on the “Save” button to add your model. There is no time limit as there is in the forum.

Once you add and edit the wiki table two or three times you can get a handle on it.

I’ve added the CF 29, hoping to understand your directions well.

Soon I will add the CF 53 too. :slight_smile:

Good job! Thank you for your input and contribution.