Breeze Dark theme installed but not detected by systemsettings5

Leap 15.4: gtk2-metatheme-breeze, gtk3-metatheme-breeze and metatheme-breeze-common packages are installed, but systemsettings5 shows a “Breeze” item only; there is no “Breeze Dark” item. On Leap 15.3 both items are available.
If I select “Breeze”, the result is a mixture of dark and light GTK apps; more precisely, GTK3 apps have dark colors and GTK2 apps have light colors.
I have read that KDE Plasma developers are dropping the Breeze support for old GTK apps, but strangely, Adwaita theme works perfectly, even with Filezilla, which is based on wxWidgets; in that case, systemsettings5 shows the two items “Adwaita” and “Adwaita Dark”.
Any idea?

You can try the options in Qt5 Settings


No changes. It seems that Qt5 Settings does not affect the style of GTK apps.