Boxed Open SUSE

I am running version 12.1 open SUSE on my HPmini 2133. I did a download of the image which I understood as open SUSE ver 12.3, an i586.iso. I did a load of this dvd and went through some steps when I got a window message saying " Couldnot find the OpenSUSE 12.3 Repository…"

Can some one explain what did I do wrong?

I am thinking to get a boxed openSUSE to make the upgrade certain and not frustrating. Can any one throw some words of wisdom here.


On 2013-07-01 15:16, mhismail wrote:
> I am running version 12.1 open SUSE on my HPmini 2133. I did a download
> of the image which I understood as open SUSE ver 12.3, an i586.iso.

You have to be precise about what you downloaded. The official download
page is this:

Download page
SDB:Download help

I recommend using metalinks. If you don’t, you absolutely need to verify
the downloaded image and the burned image (both!).

> I am thinking to get a boxed openSUSE to make the upgrade certain and
> not frustrating. Can any one throw some words of wisdom here.

Why do you think the box would make the upgrade certain? :-?

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)

For some years now openSUSE hasn’t had a North American English Language supported Boxed version. The idea has been kicked around a bit, but AFAIK no one has picked up the mantle to actually go into business.

If the error message you’re seeing is where I think it is (You really need to be more desriptive and detailed, eg what exactly are you seeing just before the error message?)

And, since the specs for your device say it doesn’t have an optical drive, how are you initially running your ISO, is it a mounted ISO, an external drive, network drive, etc?

BTW - If you already have 12.1 installed, you might consider an online upgrade

Also, I don’t know what desktop you already have installed, but the installed RAM probably won’t support KDE or Gnome well.


I’m not sure what you did, so I am not sure what you did wrong. However, tsu2 gave me a clue when he said that your device does not have an optical drive. So I am guessing that you tried to install using a USB.

Here’s what I did recently on my 586 system, using the 13.1M2 DVD iso:

  1. I copied the iso to a usb (a raw copy, using “dd_rescue”).
  2. I booted. On the first boot screen I hit F4, and told it to find the repos on the hard drive (following the advice for installing from a USB.
  3. I type “namescheme=by-label” in the command line.
  4. I hit enter to continue the boot

After a while, I got a message about missing repos. I’m guessing that is what you saw.

I briefly considered running “isohybrid” on the iso file, and recopying to the usb. However, instead, I just tried a second time. On my second time, I was too lazy to go through all of those steps. So I skipped them, and just selected “install” on the opening menu. And all went well. Incidentally, the same thing had previously happened to me with 13.1M1 on two different boxes.

My suspicion is that recent structuring of the iso is such that you are better off not hitting F4, and just selecting “Install” at the opening menu when installing via a USB.