Booting with monitor off means video is never output

Hey, using Tumbleweed. Like the title says, if I don’t have the monitor on when I power the machine on or reboot it, video is never output. The machine boots to SUSE fine as I can ssh into it, but If I want to use the machine with the monitor after powering on via WOL etc. then I need to restart it. Not the end of the world, just a bit annoying. Never had the issue on other distros, and the machine also has a windows partition that doesn’t have the issue (if set to highest boot priority in BIOS.)

Any ideas?

You probably need to set it to boot to multi-user mode (instead of graphics mode). And then use “startx” when you want to start a graphics session.

There’s no video output though. Can’t even see the tty. Just the ‘DisplayPort No Signal’ message the monitor shows.

Setting Windows to the default for grub to load and then booting to windows with the monitor off works as well. Only booting to SUSE with it off causes the issue.