Booting up after installation error

After I installed Opensuse 13.2 onto my hdd, I get cannot find TOCBLOCK, database may be corrupt and a whole line of other things. I’m new to linux in general so I’m not exactly sure what this means. Can someone help me please? Thank you!

Can you say what this install is taking place on?
What your partitions are for the target install?
Are there other OS’s?

I usually setup all my partitions first using Gparted, and I still use ext4 for / and /home
The I run the install

Need lots of info a little about what hardware memory/cpu/video card. Is this a dual boot ie is Windows on it (ver of Windows) and are you keeping it??

What OS did you use to download the ISO. What device are you using to install with DVD/USB stick???

Did you check the check sum of the iso and if using a DVD did you run the media check???

All the guys that can read minds went to work for the NSA :’(

Based on a google search, those TOCBLOCK messages seem to be related to Windows Dynamic disks (a Windows version of logical volume management). Those probably don’t mix well with linux.

Can you say what this install is taking place on?
What your partitions are for the target install?
Are there other OS’s?

The install is taking place on one of my spare hard drives I have in my desktop. My partition is an ext4. The only other OS is Windows 7 but that is on an SSD, not on this hard drive I’m installing opensuse on.

gogalthorp Need lots of info a little about what hardware memory/cpu/video card. Is this a dual boot ie is Windows on it (ver of Windows) and are you keeping it??

What OS did you use to download the ISO. What device are you using to install with DVD/USB stick???

Did you check the check sum of the iso and if using a DVD did you run the media check???

All the guys that can read minds went to work for the NSA :cry:

I’m sorry, I forgot to put this all in. This is my personal rig, 4770k, GTX 970 and 24GB Ram. I’ve got Windows 7 on an SSD, and other HDD’s with other stuff on them. It isn’t dual boot I dont think because I’m installing opensuse on another harddrive that is seperate from windows 7. I am indeed keeping windows 7 because I’m quite used to it at the moment. I used windows 7 to download Opensuse 13.2 from the website. I used a USB to install it, and used imageusb to install it. I’m not sure how to check the check sum of the iso. I’m really a noob. Sorry :(.

nrickert Based on a google search, those TOCBLOCK messages seem to be related to Windows Dynamic disks (a Windows version of logical volume management). Those probably don’t mix well with linux.

I’m not sure what that means but I do know that I have windows 7 on this PC and it has been messing with my install. It worked fine when I installed it via my laptop.

Yes but the program looks at all the disks to see what is there and nrickert is right Windows dynamic disk does not play well with Linux. Best to go into Windows and convert it back to normal NTFS volume(s). Left as dynamic you will not be able to see into Windows at all and you will continue getting the messages.

And yes indeed it is dual boot. It is immaterial if the OS’s are on one or a dozen drives

Linux can’t handle dynamic because of patents. Dynamic is just the Windows version they copied of LVM but they put in their own secret sauce.

I converted my only dynamic disk back to NTFS but I’ve had no luck thus far. It still has a TOCBLOCK error. The only thing I have left is two disks set in raid 0.

Oh wait you are running RAID??? Don’t you think it would have been good to mention that???

It was that significant? I didn’t know, sorry :X

Yep make a world of diff. Sorry I can’t help much with that. But now tell what type of RAID FAKE/software/true hardware

And yes it makes a difference. And to make it worse RAID 0 the least little thing goes wrong and all your data is gone. Not sure that little bit of speed is worth the risk

Also by the way is this just stuff showing up does the OS run or does it stop at the point of the screen shot.

It is a software raid setup in windows but it is running on a raid card. It shows up and stops where I have the screenshot at.

I guess it is a FAKE (BIOS assisted) RAID card not a a REAL hardware one

Not sure at all about mixing setups from OS’s MS in general seem to go out of its way to make life hard on any other OS.

In any case with RAID I’d go with one OS and run the other in a VM if you must have 2 OS’s. RAID is tricky enough without adding multi OS trying to manage it.