Have had a bad experience with this system today. Booting was slow and eventually stalled. I re-booted to windoze just in case I had left the system in a bad state. Windoze found errors and had to check the drive. It started OK in the end and appeared to have been stopped mid windoze update. (I had been getting machine ready for office location which uses windoze.) After a couple or updates and restarts of windoze I tried to go back to Leap 15.3 but the system stalled again. I could only get the machine up in Leap 15.3 using the advanced boot option from grub and accepting the previous kernel.
This ran without a problem and updates were waiting so did a sudo zypper up which included a kernel update. I rebooted to the new kernel but the boot stalled so I have had to go back to the version which works.
While I go and find a live distro to help diagnose problem does anybody else have this experience. I am running Kernel Version 5.3.18-150300.59.87-default to get this working for now. smartctl --all /dev/sda and /dev/sdb give no errors.
I will have to read up how to check the /dev/nvme0n1p1 etc. so if anybody can advise please let me know
Where should I start with diagnosis? I suspect my hardware as it is unusual to have two consecutive kernels going wrong.
# See journald.conf(5) for details.
I have tried to boot into the upgraded system but this is still stalling. However when stalled the keyboard Caps Lock and Scroll Lock flash on and off.
The only way I can get out of this situation is to use the off switch on the box.
I can however re-boot to the kernel two updates ago.
I am not sure if this is a bug or my very old but till now faithful PS/2 Northgate Omni Key/102.
In my system settings I can only select the Northgate 101 which is what I have been using to date.
Not sure if this is the problem so will grab a spare modern keyboard and check.
What fun!
I have tried using another keyboard which also has a PS/2 plug and I still get a problem with the latest two updates, again with Caps Lock and Scroll Lock flashing. I have also tried these keyboards with PS/2 to USB adaptor and get the same result.
Since the older kernel is still working fine I am going to attempt to report a bug but not tonight!
Meanwhile if anybody else knows anything on this please post here so I know I am not alone!!!
I am very jealous. Had I known Northgate would drop off the planet when it did I would have bought several prior thereto. Those I acquired via employers all disappeared by the time I needed another, so I was stuck with one, and it quit more than a decade ago. I’m stuck using these that have gotton well worn.
I have had trouble similar to the problem you are having within the past month, emergency shell, cannot find root filesystem on NVME. Trouble is, I can’t remember which PC or OS, or well enough when to figure it out, even though I only have 3 PCs with NVME in them. Now that I’ve seen this thread, maybe something useful to you will come to mind sometime soon. Maybe Mageia 9 (devel) on (Kaby Lake) host ab250…
Thanks to your advice I am using the updated inxi!
Thanks for the info on the flashing lights. New to me but a good indication of what might be going wrong.
My question, not yet researched, is how may I test the NVMe in the same way that a hard drive is checked? I think I should start there as the update has not caused problems on other machines so hardware is prime suspect. OTOH this machine is still running fine on earlier kernel version.
I look forward to your advice please when you have time!
Many thanks,
Not sure how to do this now as there is no longer any line for parameter entry in the boot screen. I used E and then added what you suggested but as the machine cannot complete I cannot examine the log or anything else.
No useful text displayed on the terminal before the kernel panic as it attempted to boot?
You could boot from the working kernel and then look at the log for boot that failed. But if the kernel panic is very early there may not be anything written to the log…
I also have a bad experience regarding yesterday’s upgrade of kernel form 5.14.21-150400.24.18-default (64-bit) to 5.14.21-150400.24.21-default (64-bit). After reboot the system did not run any more and ended with a screen of “kernel panic”. I had to use previous kernel at the boot screen.
he output of the inxi -SGaz --vs command is as follows:
I sought help at Linuxquestions forum and got an opinion that I am using NVidia’s proprietary drivers, and something went wrong in the new kernel’s initrd trying to include them. Also I was told that inxi output shows all good running kernel 5.14.21-150400.24.18, with proprietary NVidia drivers installed for graphics. So, I have been suggested to ask an NVidia forum, so as to attract expert attention.
You’d be venturing into rather deep waters with this, but, you could use kexec/kdump to save the dump of the crashed kernel.
“Kexec preserves the contents of the physical memory. After the production kernel fails, the capture kernel (an additional kernel running in a reserved memory range) saves the state of the failed kernel. The saved image can help you with the subsequent analysis.”
Hi Paul,
Sorry for the delayed reply. Not been a good week. In spite of having had all the four previous jabs I have succumbed to the dread Covid virus. No idea where it came from but apparently the present version is much more infectious than earlier ones. The effect has been much worse than I anticipated. At sometime during the past week my media NAS died so I am slowly surfacing to a whole bunch of problems. Still too befuddled to get my head around Kexec but it looks like just the tool I need so many thanks. Will report progress in due course.
Thanks again.
Hi Paul,
Covid was not much fun and has left me knackered but my positive test was only last Tuesday and my family say I should give it 10 days.
Meanwhile having noted some troublesome inconsistent behaviour on rebooting I thought my problem might point to an hardware issue.
I gave my HP Z640 a good clean with a compressed air jet, reseated all the memory and the second processor board and now … no more kernel panic or problems with NIC.
No idea why this had been lurking undetected for so long but seems all is now OK.
Will close this now.
Thanks for the help along the way.