booting options

I have both openSUSE-11.2 and debian-5.0.4 on two different partitions. When I switch on the machine or reboot from the
debian partition, both the options show up. However, if I
restart the machine from openSUSE, only the suse option is
offered. Can this be remedied? Please advise.


Need to see
fdisk -l

cat /etc/fstab

for debian and suse

On option is to use Grub’s chainload feature. Another is to copy the Debian files to the OpenSUSE /boot and edit menu.lst.

Often in this scenario, I use a shared /boot partition.

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Yes, I solved the problem by brute-force method of copying
debian’s /boot/grub/menu.lst in suse’s /boot/grub/menu.lst.
I didn’t know that the two OSs can share the common /boot
like the swap partition.