Hey guys,
Just installed the SUSE 11, i config-ed everything ok i think, (ie boot loaders etc working perfect), but the screen “scan” seems to be higher once i reach the splash screen that what my monitor can handle.
Is there a way that i can limit the Pixels-Refresh rate-and scan rate? (keep in mind that i cant access the desktop etc)
Hope there is, dont want to re-install!
Would somebody be willing to help me out?
Cheers, -Harry
when you see the boot screen, enter a “3” without the quotes as an option. This will boot into runlevel 3, i.e., no GUI. You should see a command line login prompt. Login as root, then enter
sax2 -r
and reconfigure your X server.
You need to use a lower resolution at boot.
If you use 1024x768 you will need the boot loader to tell the kernel to use 800x600 and also maybe 16 instead of 24 bits.
I’m not sure if sax2 tampers with the bootloader resolution when you set it but I think there might be a resolution setting in the bootloader section of yast2. Investigate and change that.
Your resolution should change back to what you have configured x to use, Using sax2 when the kernel passes display over to the xserver and the desktop is started during a boot.
I have an LCD that does it and I’ve put it down to a bad implentation of vesa in the monitor’s hardware.
Most framebuffer drivers don’t support changing the refresh rate so you can’t use a kernel parameter to change that. You have to use a lower resolution and/or bit depth.
You are right about the refresh rate but it’s just not changeable until x is started unless you use a framebuffer driver that supports specifying the refresh rate.
Appreciate the concern guys, but I have a CRT not an LCD.
Dell P991 or something similar i think. The reason why i think this error is so strange is beacuse the screen is capable of doing 1600 X 1200 @ 85 Hz Refresh. That’s not bad (as far as i know ;))
Ive gotten the error message with many old 14" Crts, but never with the Dell P991.
Anyway, im currently downloading the Suse 11.0 DVD ISO,
and ill reformat, and install that i think. Ill see if i get the same problems, then ill post again here.