You did not say what exact grub binary you were using nor what platform you have. If you are using signed EFI binary, module loading is disabled and only drivers built into this binary are available. zfs is not included in signed EFI grub.
I use ‘tainted’ modules from Sensoray so I need to, and make a point of, not enabling secure boot.
I have a problem that a camera system for divers in the middle of the ocean trashes the (m2) disk because of power ripples getting past the battery and charger (ships have terrible power)
So I want a ram root and an unused m2 disk (except when booting)
All good but I want a partition on m2 where recordings CAN be saved. RAM root seems easier for the end user than clonezilla.
A trashed m2 is a wasted ocean voyage AKA a big deal
So, you are likely using default bootloader installed by Tumbleweed and default bootloader on EFI is signed image (of course, as you consider my questions irrelevant you did not bother to answer whether you are using EFI or legacy BIOS so anything I say is just a guess).
I will not waste your time with irrelevant questions anymore, sorry for that.
“smile” implied that the answer was glib. I KNOW one ought not edit grub.cfg but I did because the whole loop of /etc/grub/40- is wasted here.
You offered stuff I did not know (signed grub image) so I appreciate that.
The “not relevant” was prefixed with a smile to say ‘don’t bother telling me about editing grub.cfg’ I’m sorry that the light hearted comment caused offence it was not ment to.
Clearly you know more about grub than me, I’d be silly to spurn your answer and indeed I don’t