I’d like to retain the boot info which shows on the screen when booting and which by default is cleared right before the login prompt appears.
So, according to getty - ArchWiki I executed systemctl edit getty@ which created /etc/systemd/system/getty@.service.d/override.conf drop-in snippet which partly overrides the getty@.service systemd unit and into this snippet I’ve pasted:
This should prevent the boot info be cleared by systemd. Additionaly by default on openSUSE, there’s –noclear option specified to the agetty program in the getty@.service which prevents it to clear the boot screen too.
Yet, my boot screen still get mostly cleared. It retains only 2 last lines of the boot info: https://imgur.com/RpflR3L
Is it a bug or what else can I do to fully retain the boot screen?
This neither works well. More lines of the boot info is retained but still the bottom half of the screen is unused and there’s a big gap in the output: https://imgur.com/B9FQ1hH
I don’t use plymouth, disable temporarily via the kernel option plymouth.enable=0 plus I run a larger font… can see boot info via journalctl -b which provides much more information of the boot process if needed, plus boot time to multi-user is so quick…
I guess it’s better to have the boot info on screen so you’re aware of potential problems that come up during boot so you can fix them afterwards. I know about journalctl -b, but if there’s a problem and you don’t have the boot output enabled and instead having some splash screen or plymouth enabled and flashing in front of you, you don’t have a reason to execute journalctl -b in the first place. Plus it looks cool with all the information scrolling during boot, it reminds me of some movies with hackers and techies showing off with their skillslol!.
All that exactly! Plus, it’s not emulating Windows’ hiding activity behind minimalist graphical nonsense (or mousetype). I haven’t allowed Plymouth or tty1 clearing in many many moons.
So today I upgraded to Leap 15.3 and the problem reoccurred. My TTY again retains only the last 2 lines of the boot info, like it was at the beginning of this thread.
I’ve checked the TTYVTDisallocate=no line in /etc/systemd/system/getty@.service.d/override.conf is there.
I’ve checked the –noclear option in getty@.service is there.
I’ve checked I don’t have any Plymouth-related packages installed.
What about you? Have you started to experience the problem recently or after upgrade or do you have any ideas how to fix it again?
It discusses the new addition in Leap 15.3 called issue-generator which auto-generates /etc/issue file which puts some text on the virtual console after booting but before the login prompt. Maybe it’s a bug, but this text generation causes to clear the boot console from time to time.
When deleting the pkg issue-generator or adding –noissue option to agetty in /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service, after restart it finally keeps my boot console from getting cleared no matter whether cold booting, warm booting or waking up from hibernation.
Also, putting TTYVTDisallocate=no to the getty@.service file is not necessary on openSUSE since the distro installs the /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/20-defaults-SUSE.conf drop-in snippet in place with the exact same content.