Boot Problem after weather event power loss

We had a derecho blow through abruptly taking down power lines & I wasn’t fast enough shutting down.
When power was back up, Leap had a lot of ‘FAILED TO START’ messages during boot, and ended with a tty prompt.
Not knowing what to do I put the USB in, did an UPGRADE off of it. Now Leap boots normal.

My questions are,
1- what to look for that still may be lingering?
2- should I do a /home backup and a Fresh install?

Forgot to add I did diagnostics on the router & my workstation BIOS, & disks.
Windows did start normally.

I got lost after the tty prompt logging in as root.
STILL! A noobie

Hi @Bill_L … we had a Derecho blow thru here in May (in Magnolia TX, just above Houston) … then Hurricane Beryl took a path directly over us.
Hope y’all haven’t sustained any damage !!
Okay, question #1 - I would say you’ve recovered the system.

I’m a bit shocked that Leap didn’t “auto recover” from the unexpected power off. All the sudden power offs we’ve had, our systems auto recover with no effort on our part.

Question #2 - we do a backup of /home once a week, as a matter of habit. So yea, I’d say you should do a backup periodically.

( Our /home dirs are separate, using XFS, and everything else is BTRFS. )

As far as a fresh install, it doesn’t seem as though you need to.

Have you done a “zypper up” since you did the recovery? If no, I’d say do that.

Side questions … do you use BTRFS filesystem for the base system?

Those of us living in FL, TX & LA among others, and don’t have their desktop and server PCs on a UPS, are living the dangerous life with their data and hardware. 2022 report: Central Texas city loses title as U.S. lightning capital

If you’ve run offline filesystem checks with no ill reports on whatever went down with the power, you should be OK to go ahead as if nothing happened, but really ought to better protect your stuff than using a mere surge suppressor or less.

Thanks. Do not have a backup power supply,(but considering one now),but my surge protectors have surge protection. Starting at the main junction box.

Thanks aggie. we seem to have a derecho every year. Some strong and long pathed, some just strong for short distance. Our damage was just power loss, a few trees around town, and inconvenience of course. Lasted 4.5 hours.
My /Home is ext4. I never can understand the difference(s) and how to use them. I don’t use btrfs. My SSD;s are not very large, so I stay away from it.
I did try ‘zypper up’ from that tty prompt, but got a kickback ‘cnf’.

I do have a spare 500GB empty HDD in the box. Possible to use that for backup? xfs. ntfs ???
I do have an external network drive. but will need to clean it harshly if I need to backup to external device.
Again thanks.

‘cnf’ ?? Traditionally, that means “command not found”, but in this modern day, that usually isn’t written as such. Strange.

Did you execute that at your regular user account prompt ?

Or did you execute “sudo zypper up” as your user account ,
or execute “zypper up” while at a root prompt?

Wouldn’t let me log in my user account .
I used the root account, so the zipper command was under root account.

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