Boot loader gets stuck


I have had to reinstall SuSE 11.2. After its successful completion it got into a strange situation: the boot loader identified a boot record on the hard drive and displayed the appropriate message on the screen - but then nothing happened. When I restarted the system with the live CD and chose “boot from hard drive” it got to the normal boot menu without difficulty. I have no idea why the second method succeeds while the first fails.

Can anyone advise me on why this might happen?



Where did you put grub. MBR or root? Sounds like the Grub MBR is corrupted or missing.

Thanks - I have now realized what the problem was. There was still a boot loader on my other hard drive and the system picked on that one first, ignoring the drive I installed on. I have now disconnected that other drive (it had problems anyway) and reinstalled SuSE on the newer drive. Now everything is back to normal.



Changing boot order might have helped also. :slight_smile: