Boot issues-dual boot mac/suse

I recently attempted to dual boot mac osx and opensuse 11.0 and when I tried to boot after installing suse, i was unable to boot into either os. All I get is a blank white screen. I can boot from cd’s but other than that I dont whats going on, I would be grateful if someone could help me remedy the situation or at least point me in the right direction. I would prefer not to re-install osx(if at all possible). Thanks in advance.

> I would prefer not to re-install osx(if at all possible). Thanks in advance.

reinstall is probably not needed…
sorry, i don’t have the answer right off the top of my head BUT i am
certain i have seen many threads here in which folks mention (as you
did) something like

“unable to boot into either [SuSE/Windows/Mac/Ubuntu/etc]. All I get is
a blank white screen.”

as i recall, most solutions include repairing grub and hmmmmmmmmmmm…
actually i don’t recall the solutions…but take heart, you can find them
all using the web forum’s search function…i’d suggest you begin with
this search string “white screen”

and, check back here because someone with THE answer on the tip of their
tongue will happen by…

good luck…and welcome to SuSE…with patience you will like it…

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark

Are you using a real mac or osx on an hackintosh?

Im using a real mac(completely legit), I think the problem is due to the fact that I forgot to disable journaling when I installed rEEIt. I was able to get my osx install disk in, and i checked my hd partition table and it had the right partition scheme, but it didnt have osx nor opensuse oses. Thanks for your suggestions by the way.

I checked the forums for a similar problem, and was unable to locate anything close to what I am experiencing. I was wondering if it is possible that I erased my hd somehow? Considering I cannot find anything for a grub to load?

brad stuba wrote:
> I checked the forums for a similar problem, and was unable to locate
> anything close to what I am experiencing. I was wondering if it is
> possible that I erased my hd somehow? Considering I cannot find
> anything for a grub to load?

are you saying the drive is empty?
how do you determine that?

if you boot with a live CD and inspect the harddrive what do you find?
like, if you click on MyComputer, does your harddiver appear? is xx of yy GB
space used?

is more than one partition shown with any xx GB available but zero in use?

in a terminal type and run [if it asks for password, just hit enter again]

su - root -c ‘df -h’

and return the output to the forum…

oh, you asked a question, and unfortunately the answer is yes–it is absolutely
possible to click the wrong button during an install of SuSE and agree to its
suggested partitioning/installation plan…and, if it tells you it is going to
format this and that, and you click go ahead, it will format into oblivion
everything that was on that disk/partition…

IF you have to start over i’d HIGHLY RECOMMEND you find (somewhere in a MAC
forum) precise and detailed instructions on how to install Linux in general and
SuSe in particular on REAL MAC hardware…

for example, if one wants windows AND linux it is almost impossible to NOT
install windows first…for all i know the only way to install Linux AND OSX
is to stand on your head while you lay OSX on top of a working Linux install…

good luck.

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark

I looked at my partition table with my mac install disks (disk utility) and a ubuntu livecd (gparted). I could not find an operating system on either (though it was partitioned how I wanted it to be.

I tried typing in the su - root -c ‘df -h’ command in the ubuntu livecd terminal, received a request for a password, hit enter and got this: su: Authentication failure.

Also I did not attempt this blindly. I followed the suse mac installation guide. I decided to use Boot Camp to partition my hd because I am much more experienced on osx than linux.

I don’t know if this helps anyone figure this out, but thanks for all the help I’ve received.

> I looked at my partition table with my mac install disks (disk utility)
> and a ubuntu livecd (gparted). I could not find an operating system on
> either

you just wrote the above, and this in your first posting: “I would prefer not to
re-install osx (if at all possible).”

with your new surety that there IS NO Mac or Linux OS on the system, i’d guess
there is apparently only one way to proceed…unless you really need a new doorstop.

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
A Texan in Denmark