“4. Connect the board to your PC via serial port (optional, but helpful for debugging; USB-TTL serial cable needed).”
My Raspberry Pi 3 is hardware ok, running well the old OS (Ubuntu mate 32bit).
Please help me to find a solution.
Thanks everybody!
Hi Malcom,
thanks for your answer. I followed your hints until the sync command on the shell, but the error was always the same.
This is the message on my raspberry monitor, when I try to boot from my 32Gb SD card :
Net: Net Initialization Skipped
No ethernet found.
starting USB…
USB0: Core Release: 2.80a
scanning bus 0 for devices…
First, recommend you double-check your physical ethernet connection, in particular the end that plugs “the other end” that plugs into a router, switch or hub.
The link activity light should be on and likely green.
Which image(s) specifically are you trying?
Since Malcolm identified his specific image, you should try specifically that one.
And just verifying…
Did you wipe the sdcard’s contents each time before writing a new image? (I found this necessary only once in all the images I’ve tested. The problem is if your card is larger than about 4GB you may not realize there are remnants from a previous image still in the file system)
And, did you use xzcat as the documentation describes to write to your sdcard or did you use a different application?
I tried every things you suggested but the build error was the same.
I wiped my sd card before write the image but nothing changed.
I tried xz -cd and even xzcat.
Here the recap of my situation,
It doesn’t need formatting since the image is being transferred. So after you create the image and sync, if you remove the SD card, then plug it back in. do you see an efi and root partition?
On Mon 23 Jan 2017 12:46:01 PM CST, suse rasputin wrote:
Someone SUPER clever killed the download for only functional TW for
raspi 3 http://tinyurl.com/hpgm6ba …I have a local copy, if you
contact me via PM I can upload to a place of your choice.
Tumbleweed is for ever changing (that’s why it’s rolling), if I were
the OP I would respectfully decline your offer… non verified source…
social engineering etc…
BTW the person who controls those builds is the repo owner, I suggest
in future, choose your words carefully and show respect to the openSUSE
contributors, forum users etc.
The build is still there…blocked/excluded…
Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE Leap 42.1|GNOME 3.16.2|4.1.36-44-default
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Hi Malcom,
yes I see two different partitions efi(that contains: config.txt and other files ) and root. Yes I made a sync.
Now I have a question,
This error message:
Net: Net Initialization Skipped
No ethernet found.
starting USB…
USB0: Core Release: 2.80a
scanning bus 0 for devices…
may be caused by the fact that when during boot, the Ethernet device driver is not compatible with the .img software version?
I say that, because in my opinion the O.S. boot starts, but during the raspberry’s devices check it is not able to connect with the ethernet device and returns that message.
I want to confirm that with ubuntu mate 16.04 the ethernet device works well.
A major reason for releasing images specific to RPi models is that the images are supposed to be specific to the hardware.
So, there should not be a problem with the Ethernet device driver.
Do you have a serial cable for your RPi? It would have a standard sized USB port on one end that would be inserted into your laptop or workstation, and the other would be a micro-usb connector, this cable would be the same that is used for data transfers between your laptop or workstation and a non-Apple phone (typically Android, might be Samsung, LT, etc). It can’t be one of the el cheapo cables that can only be used to re-charge, it must support data transfer.
If you have such a cable, it might work temporarily as your network connection as you troubleshoot.
Unfortunately, I can’t provide info specific to your RPi 3, I only own RPi Zeros and a RPi (original version).
As per my post (Ref #2) was all I did to get it to boot and fire up, did need to press return a few times to get past the locale bug… once it did it’s thing it black screened so shut it down and mounted the SD card in the laptop to set the default.target to multi-user.target and popped it back in to get things up and running and fix ssh keys, add my user via YaST, set root password etc.
Then just used to start up X;
systemctl start graphical.target
Logged into the XFCE DE as my user, played some and then shut it down with;
systemctl isolate multi-user.target
I need to setup a minicom session via USB TTL/RS232 adapter I now have…