This a newbie problem, and I can’t find the answer but I am probably losing patience at this point. I have a triple boot setup on a samsung nc10 (winxp/win7/opensuse), it is currently setup to auto login under opensuse. I was in the process of logging out and logging back in using different desktop environments, and I can’t for the life of me remember which one I chose but the screen just goes black during boot with a responsive cursor. How to a lauch a normal gui login from the failsafe prompt when logged in as the root?
Try entering: startx
If you have a shell prompt, the command
should start the GUI.
If you can’t get a shell prompt, boot with failsafe mode (vga=normal)
It took a combination of solutions. Part of the problem was logging into the failsafe as ‘root,’ once I solved that problem then launching ‘startx’ from failsafe worked to get me back into kde. Once there I went through ‘User and Group Management’ to deselect auto login then once I rebooted it prompted me for a login and I could change the selected desktop (which was metacity btw). Thank you for both for your time and assistance.