Bomi player does not work after updating from 15.1

I recently updated from Leap 15.1 to 15.2 and get the following error in a message box when starting Bomi player

Error on loading skin

file:///usr/share/bomi/skins/Tethys/bomi.qml:9:1: Type B.AppWithDock unavailable
file:///usr/share/bomi/imports/bomi/AppWithDock.qml:15:5: Type Player unavailable
file:///usr/share/bomi/imports/bomi/Player.qml:150:9: Type PlayInfoView unavailable
file:///usr/share/bomi/imports/bomi/PlayInfoView.qml:66:9: PlayInfoTrack is not a type

Can someone please advise how to fix that?

Thanks in advance

It seems like this application is no longer compatible with the new Qt libraries. It’s also seemingly abandoned and has not been updated for 5 years ( GitHub - bylee20/bomi: bomi - a powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player ) as the last stable release was in 2015.

My suggestion? Find another application that does what you want.