I purchased a bluetooth usb dongle today, and plugged it into my desktop with opensuse 11.0 and kde3.5 and it came with an icon on the taskbar, and I was able to pair my mobile phone with the desktop.
However, on my 11.2 machine with kde4.3 it does not show. Are there services that I have to enable in order for this to happen?
As of 4.3 with 11.2 you shouldn’t have the problem (that was annoying with 11.1).
Did you update the system completely? Try to start the bluetooth server in yast.
Does you startup log tell you that the adapter has been recognized?
Btw. The how-to is quite sarcastic and at least for 11.1 with 3.5 outdated. I have my bluetoothmouth running flawlessly now (using bluetooth 4 mixed with 3 and …it works).
I then discovered kbluetooth in the applications. It too saw my phone and i used the wizard. It came back “sorry, but your device does not have input capabilities”
This means that it tried to set it up as a telecommand or as a keyboard or mouse. The wizard is there for btmouse or keyboards. What did you try to do with the phone? Obex file transfer? Syncronizing?
What I want to do is transfer images, sound recordings and contact list from the phone to my desktop. The usb dongle is version Bluetooth v2.0 compliant.
Maybe there is a better way to do this.
I did not notice any other options with kbluetooth.
There is the OBEX server of bluetooth. Should be installed, but check in yast for obex.
It opens a table with in the lower part the device(s), upper part the source, and on the right destination. You can drag and drop once you are paired.
Or write in the start menue “obex” then it should give it as an option.