Bluetooth upgrade failed, downgraded versions won't work

I was having some problems with bluetooth (slow transfer speeds in blueman, file transfers not working, …) so I decided to upgrade all the bluetooth.
I upgraded bluez-libs-3.32 and bluez-utils-3.32 to bluez-4.18, bluez-gnome-0.26 to bluez-gnome-1.8, obex-data-server-0.3 to obex-data-server-0.4 and and lot of other libraries to get all the dependencies right.
However, this upgraded setup didn’t work, sharing files and/or sending and receiving files didn’t work (even when obex-data-server) was running.

So I decided to downgrade downgrade everything back to it’s old (outdated !!!) versions, but even these old versions don’t work anymore.
The errors I get:
Sending a file or browsing device:

Method “CreateBluetoothSession” with signature “ss” on interface “org.openobex.Manager” doesn’t exist.

Any idea how I can fix this ? I real like to have bluetooth back up and running :cry:

yesterday I remembered that I also upgraded the dbus to get the new bluetooth apps running. Downgrading dbus to it’s older version (the one supplied by the openSuse repos).

To bad I still can’t send files from my iPaq h5550 (widcomm) and my main pc (bluesoleil) to my laptop (linux).
Strange enough, I can send files from my iPaq 614c to my laptop :sarcastic: