Bluetooth UART (rfcomm device)

Howto configure Bluetooth UART (/dev/rfcomm0) to be available after boot in openSUSE 13.2?
Entering rfcomm bind dev … (this command creates file /dev/rfcomm0) as root is not a good idea.


Thanks for any help.

IMO you should first consider what is available within whatever Desktop you’re using.
In particular, if the Blue Devil package is installed, take a look at what is possible. I don’t know if a BT device can be configured to be connected during system boot, that’s an interesting config I haven’t looked at. I imagine that the essential BT radio should be started by systemd and configurable to run without a User context, and that last thing would be interesting since the Desktop wouldn’t be loaded yet. Maybe you’d have to manually pass User credentials during a system startup.

If Blue Devil isn’t available or capable of setting this up easily, then it does look like you’d have to get down into some fundamental setup.

Speculating and HTH,

I’m using KDE4, openSUSE 13.2 . With bluedevil I can pair device but what then? Howto create /dev/rfcomm0 without entering commands as root?
I want to use Bluetooth to wireless program Arduino. It works nice that way. But the manual setting of the connection does not make sense in the twenty-first century, isn’t?
Pair the device, start Arduino, press Upload… :slight_smile:

After some additional thought, did a little googling… The Arch Linux wiki as it often does suggests how to do this…

Most of the article describes setting up a client connection (optionally at boot), so some adaption may be necessary for setting up as an AP, but the described method configuring bluez should provide the foundation. It looks like you only need to install the bluez package, and optionally the bluez-devel package, the referenced bluez utilities appear to be compiled into the bluez package and not separately.


Is there in openSUSE 13.2 any configuration files for Bluetooth? Where /etc/bluetooth are gone?
Even Google can not find anything. >:(


Whenever I’m looking for a file, I use the “locate” utility.
First install it

zypper in mlocate

Then, although the database of file names will update daily, if you want to find something immediately you need to populate the database with the following command


When that has completed you can search for whatver filename, the following example will display all files on your system with “bluetooth” in the name and the full path

locate bluetooth


Indeed the rfcomm config file seems to be gone in suse 13.2. Even the almighty locate can’t locate it. The KDE bluetooth GUI seems to be unable to connect to a bluetooth to serial device. Typing this is the only way I’m able to use the device: sudo rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm0 00:12:6F:2A:CE:61. Of course I had to pair the device first, which was possible using the KDE GUI.

The archlinux page doesn’t mention anything about rfcomm or uart.

Artur, did you already find a less cumbersome way to connect to your device?