Bluetooth icon missing after update

Hey folks. Is something funky happening with the build service and/or packages in general?

Did a zypper dup and I noticed that some packages have gotten uninstalled that I wasn’t expecting. Namely ‘Blueberry’, which seems to be required for bluetooth management via GUI rather than CLI in the Cinnamon DE.

Now I have no way of installing this package for Tumbleweed. Has it been superseded by something else? Why would zypper remove it rather than replace it with something else?

Furthermore I had retroarch/libretro (And various cores) installed and just today when attempting to do a zypper dup, zypper is suggesting to remove all of the related packages:

The following 60 packages are going to be upgraded:  brave-browser-beta cpp11 filesystem gcc11 gcc11-c++ gcc11-info hwdata libasan6 libatomic1 libgcc_s1 libgcc_s1-32bit libgfortran5 libgomp1
  libgomp1-32bit libitm1 liblsan0 libncurses6 libncurses6-32bit libnvme1 libobjc4 libpsm2-2 libquadmath0 libstdc++6 libstdc++6-32bit
  libstdc++6-devel-gcc11 libsystemd0 libsystemd0-32bit libtsan0 libubsan1 libudev1 libudev1-32bit libupower-glib3 ncurses-devel ncurses-utils
  openssh openssh-askpass-gnome openssh-clients openssh-common openssh-server openSUSE-release openSUSE-release-appliance-custom python38-colorama
  systemd systemd-32bit systemd-container systemd-doc systemd-sysvcompat tack terminfo terminfo-base terminfo-iterm terminfo-screen
  typelib-1_0-UpowerGlib-1_0 udev upower warzone2100 warzone2100-data wireless-regdb yt-dlp yt-dlp-bash-completion

The following product is going to be upgraded:
  openSUSE Tumbleweed  20220308-0 -> 20220309-0

The following 33 packages are going to be REMOVED:
  libretro-2048 libretro-3dengine libretro-81 libretro-atari800 libretro-beetle-ngp libretro-beetle-pce-fast libretro-beetle-wswan
  libretro-bluemsx libretro-bsnes libretro-cap32 libretro-core-info libretro-craft libretro-crocods libretro-database libretro-desmume
  libretro-dolphin libretro-easyrpg libretro-ffmpeg libretro-flycast libretro-freechaf libretro-freeintv libretro-fuse libretro-gambatte
  libretro-handy libretro-mgba libretro-nestopia libretro-parallel-n64 libretro-pcsx-rearmed libretro-ppsspp libretro-prosystem libretro-stella
  libretro-virtualjaguar libretro-yabause

Not sure what to make of all this.:’(

If your question is about “why packages were deleted” you should have put this question in the title of this thread, not something entirely different.

Namely ‘Blueberry’

This package was deleted from Factory because it does not support GNOME 42.

Furthermore I had retroarch/libretro (And various cores) installed and just today when attempting to do a zypper dup, zypper is suggesting to remove all of the related packages:

The following 33 packages are going to be REMOVED:
libretro-2048 libretro-3dengine libretro-81 libretro-atari800 libretro-beetle-ngp libretro-beetle-pce-fast libretro-beetle-wswan
libretro-bluemsx libretro-bsnes libretro-cap32 libretro-core-info libretro-craft libretro-crocods libretro-database libretro-desmume
libretro-dolphin libretro-easyrpg libretro-ffmpeg libretro-flycast libretro-freechaf libretro-freeintv libretro-fuse libretro-gambatte
libretro-handy libretro-mgba libretro-nestopia libretro-parallel-n64 libretro-pcsx-rearmed libretro-ppsspp libretro-prosystem libretro-stella
libretro-virtualjaguar libretro-yabause

And how is this related to bluetooth icon? Randomly selecting the first package libretro-2048 from the list

        Descr: Package was deleted in the devel project, apparently replaced by retroarch

I assume others were removed for the same reason. This could have been by mistake, but you need to contact maintainers and discuss it with them.

  1. My primary issue is the Bluetooth icon going missing after the update. It is what I put in the title as it is the issue that is causing me most grief.
  2. I’ve asked questions as I’ve observed that various additional packages were suddenly being removed on a subsequent zypper dup attempt, after my first one nuked blueberry and left me without a method to manage bluetooth devices via GUI. I observed a pattern and asked questions.

Should I not have raised a concern at all? I feel like I’m getting flamed for reaching out to my peers.

While I think that @avidjaar is a bit harsh on you (but hey, we all have our days off), you must understand that it is much, much better to not bundle several problems in one thread. Not only will it be impossible to mention all of them in the thread title (which will not help in drawing the attention of those you need help from, e.g. I skipped this thread simply because I do not know much about bluetooth, thus missing all the rest). But when several people with several expertise start to post here, the thread will soon become a mess of several discussions at the same time.

Remind that all here are your fellow openSUE users spending spare time to help other openSUSE users. But even spare time is scarce and thus a certain efficiency in asking is required.

Okay, understood. Thanks for the clarification. Apologies @arvidjaar for muddying the waters. It wasn’t my intention.

In the future I’ll open two separate threads to isolate each issue.

In the interim I just installed blueman and it seems to work- although it doesn’t offer proper Cinnamon integration like blueberry did (e.g. The system tray icon now shows when you launch blueman, but the icon in Cinnamon-settings is missing).

I replaced blueberry with blueman for my MATE desktop. Besides the system tray, I find the icon in two different places in the MATE menu. One is System > Preferences > Hardware > “Bluetooth Manager”. The other is System > “Control Center” and in the Hardware area is “Bluetooth Manager”. You should find it by poking around in the Cinnamon menu.


Ah. I see that folks running MATE are also affected. Makes sense.

Would be nice to figure out a way to quickly select which bluetooth backend integrates with cinnamon-settings or MATE’s equivalent. The bluetooth system tray icon appears just once on Cinnamon from what I’ve found. I’ve yet to test if the application launches on startup but that’s trivial to set up.

In Cinnamon’s menu the path for blueman is:
Button->Preferences->Bluetooth manager

But there isn’t an icon anymore in ‘System settings’ which opens a window for cinnamon-settings.

Not a big deal, honestly.

Xfce is affected also.
I noticed it when I was tying to listen to my bluetooth earphone.
I installed blueman and all is fine.