Bluetooth file transfer fails

Hi, did a few new installs of leap 15.5 and so far all has gone very well (my thanks to the opensuse team!).

However today I tried to transfer a file via bluetooth to a phone and I get the error:

Failed to start org.bluez.obex service: The name org.bluez.obex was not provided by any .service files

The bluetooth dongle is recognised as:

Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0a5c:21e8 Broadcom Corp. BCM20702A0 Bluetooth 4.0

and used to work fine in leap 15.3 and 15.4.
Any suggestions?


I now found out that installing the obexd package seems to have solved the error popping up, but there is a new error saying:

The connection to [device] has failed:

where [device] is the name of the phone.

pulseaudio and bluetooth don’t go together too well many times. I’d suggest you to switch to pipewire if possible.

sudo zypper install pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulseaudio pipewire-tools

This will remove pulseaudio and install pulsewire. You’ll need to reboot once after the install.

Thank you, but unfortunately it did not make a difference. I get the same error.
Do I need obexd or bluez-obexd also installed?

Install both package

Thanks again, but it makes no difference either.
I see that there is other obexd-server package. After installing it (together with the previous two packages), I get the file chooser dialog to select files, but after selecting a file to transfer, it complains with:
The connection to [device] has failed:

I see another obexd-client package which if I select for installation wants to deinstall:


It seems odd that all these packages are not installed by default when in previous Leap versions everything worked fine.

So it recognizes the bluetooth. What application are you trying to use to transfer file.
This might be the firewall blocking the file transfer.

Hi, thanks.
I am trying to use the bluetooth icon on the system tray
The connection is made to the phone (connected status), the exchange of pins to trust the device also works fine. The file sending is broken: you can click on the connected device and there is a link that says “Send file” and that opens a dialog/file chooser and sends the file.

It used to work fine without doing any special installations in Leap 15.3 and 15.4.

Is the user service dbus-org.bluez.obex.service running?

What is the result of

systemctl --user status dbus-org.bluez.obex.service
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Hi, thank you.
The service is not found:

Unit dbus-org.bluez.obex.service could not be found.

I cannot find anything to activate in the Services Manager in Yast, I wonder if I have some other packages missing?

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Solved it by issuing:

systemctl --user enable obex

This links /usr/lib/systemd/user/obex.service file to the .config folder of the user.

Thanks for the help in finding what was wrong.