I’m resuming here (after suggestion of malcolmlewis) my problems with Bluetooth and Smeegol. May be there is out there someone able to give some advice. TIA.
From the netbook (Samsung) i see the available bluetooth advices and can even configure them but doing file research ON that devices is not possible. I can only send files to, but not get files from there (e.g. Nokia cellphone or PB G4 running Debian). Now, i think (but not sure on this) in Smeegol the administration of bluetooth is done by the connman (as i understand a connection manager developped by the Intel Open Source Group which was responsable for Moblin as well (?) ) and so, it might be a defect. of that connection utility.
So, i installed blueman (i know from other devices i use, runs very fine and stable in Debian) but with blueman i got this error, when i tried to access the other devices by bluetooth:
Could not display “obex://[00:25:48:3A:A9:58]/”.
Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
Please select another viewer and try again.
Then, after suggestion of malcolmlewis, i installed bluez-hcidump and tried as root in a terminal: hcidump. The “result” was:
HCI sniffer - Bluetooth packet analyzer ver 1.42
device: hci0 snap_len: 1028 filter: 0xffffffff
and then the process froze without any additional info (even after an hour i didn’t get back to the terminal prompt!).
And here, i’m out of any further idea. Might be a bug in Smeegol, as someone suggested. Would be sad (since that feature of bluetooth is pretty much essential for me, since i often use the phone to take occasional photoshots i need for my work) but good to know as well. Would be even better if there would be a workaround . . .
You should get output from the hcidump for any bluetooth
As root user (sudo -i will get you there) can you open a terminal and
run hcidump. Then open another terminal (ensuring the phone bluetooth is
active) and run;
hcitool scan
From the above you will get the MAC address <MAC_ADDRESS> of the phone,
hcitool inq <MAC_ADDRESS>
hcitool info <MAC_ADDRESS>
Do you get information back and see activity in the hcidump window? If
not then try;
What I suggest is let sleeping dogs lie over the holiday period, then look towards Smeegol 1.1 and then raise a bug report on that release. I’m not sure, but have you tried the latest meego to see how it compares?
As for MeeGo, i gave up with it - save big news. I never got the broadcom wireless working with the original one, so, that’s a no go (and i’d several other problems, installing programs for example). I still have an installation on an external hd, but didn’ touch since a while.
Among some suisse friends (much more experienced than me) i also heard they consider Smeegol the only viable solution at this moment.
So, ok, i’ll wait for aSmeegol 1.1 - in this very moment it’s not really a problem since i’m at home and i’ve always the trusted G4 as a workhorse. Will be a problem when i’m away and in need of a reliable solution.
Thanks for your help. Btw, is there a way to automatize the hcitool cc <Macaddress> thing?
Ok, i waited for the holidays. And now, lookin for Smeegol 1.1 i found this file, installed it using Yast and . . . dang: nearly all crashed. Now, i’m booting only in Gnome, non chance to get back to Smeegol and even Gnome seems pretty much strange: there isn’t a ControlCenter, no Appearance ecc. respectively, they are there but do not open (very strange compared to what i use - Debian Squeeze/MintPPC on the PB G4 i’m writing on this msg). Anyway even a complete re-install wouldn’t be that tragic since i’ve a complete double data set (only i pity for the work i spent on tuning & tweaking firefox, evolution and some other program). But, the downloaded version of Smeegol from the Meego Repository (8 jan 2011 1.0.5. build 1.11) seems to be defective: Starting the live disk works but when i try to access applications i get the msg: Sorry applications is broken. So, i don’t know how i could access the live installer. Anyone has an idea here?
Meanwhile i managed to get working MeeGo 1.1 including the wireless support (Broadcom drivers!): There, curiously, by bluetooth i can access flawlessly the phone, search for files ecc. Now, not being a programmer, i think, in Smeegol there might be a problem with cooperation of bluetooth and the obex related extensions for the filesystem :sgrat: :sgrat: . . .